Town of Andover 2020 Town Meeting Warrant

By Marj Roy, Town Administrator


To the inhabitants of the Town of Andover, county of Merrimack, State of New Hampshire, qualified to vote in town affairs. You are hereby notified to meet at the Phelps Auditorium in the Andover Elementary/Middle School on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 to act upon the following subjects.
The polls for the election of officials and for questions on the official ballot will be open from 11 AM to 7 PM. The business meeting will start at 7 PM.

Article 1
To choose all necessary town officers for the ensuing year. (By ballot vote during polling hours).

Article 2
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows: Amendment No. 1 the Andover Village District boundaries would be revised. The boundaries would be expanded along Route 11. It will be bound by a portion of the Rail Trail; by the Bridge St. area to the area across from North Short St.; and to include Lawrence Street and a portion of Bradley Lake Road. The revised and expanded Andover Village District will be shown on the map entitled “Andover Zoning Map of March 2020” which will be attached to and made part of the Zoning Ordinance and referred to as the “Zoning Map.” (This is a revision to the “Andover Zoning Map of 1974”.)
(By ballot vote during polling hours. By law, this amendment cannot be voted on during Town Meeting.)

Article 3
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows: Amendment No. 2 the Cilleyville Village District boundaries would be revised. The boundaries would be expanded to include the entire length of Cilleyville Rd. and include Depot Street. It will also include the properties along Rt. 11 from Cilleyville Rd. to Depot Street. The revised and expanded Cilleyville Village District will be shown on the map entitled “Andover Zoning Map of March 2020” which will be attached to and made part of the Zoning Ordinance and referred to as the “Zoning Map.” (This is a revision to the “Andover Zoning Map of 1974”.) (By ballot vote during polling hours. By law, this amendment cannot be voted on during Town Meeting.)

Article 4
To see if the town will vote to secure a $1.5 million bond for the purpose to create a highway maintenance building and to purchase necessary equipment and tools needed for all town road maintenance which will be managed and supervised by the Town of Andover personnel. The Select Board does not recommend this article. This article submitted by petition. 2/3 ballot vote required.

Article 5
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $350,000 (gross budget) for the construction of a Highway Department garage, including tools, and to authorize the issuance of not more than $}, and to authorize the issuance of not more than $350,000 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the municipal officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon; The Select Board recommends this article. 2/3 ballot vote required.

Article 6
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,986,399 for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately. The Budget Committee recommends this article. The Select Board recommends a budget of $2,023,341. (Majority vote required)

Article 7

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $243,500 to be added to the following Capital Reserve Funds (CRF) previously established. The Budget Committee recommends this article. The Select Board recommends this article.
Revaluation CRF $ 5000
Highway Grader CRF 15,000
Highway Projects CRF 150,000
Police Cruiser Replacement CRF 13,500
Transfer Station Equipment CRF 10,000
Bridge Rehabilitation CRF 50,000

Article 8
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $31,000 to be added to the following Expendable Trust Funds (ETF) previously established. The Budget Committee recommends this article. Select Board recommends this article. The Budget Committee recommends this article. Majority vote required.

Forest Fire Labor ETF $ 5,000
Town Buildings ETF 20,000
Technology ETF 6,000

Article 9
To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen to enter into a three (3) year lease-purchase agreement in the amount of $65,000 for the purpose of leasing a 1-ton truck, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $21,666 for the first year’s payment for that purpose. No lease will be entered into without an escape clause. The Budget Committee recommends this article. The Select Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)

Article 10
To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen to enter into a five (5) year lease-purchase agreement in the amount of $150,000 for the purpose of leasing a backhoe, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 for the first year’s payment for that purpose. No lease will be entered into without an escape clause. The Budget Committee recommends this article. The Select Board recommends this article.

Article 11
To see if the town will vote to change the number of Budget Committee members from seven (7) to nine (9). The Select Board recommends this article. The Budget Committee recommends this article.

Article 12
To see if the citizens of Andover will vote to amend the Town Noise Ordinance (dated 2017) by removing under EXEMPTIONS “Special Permits” issued by the Town. This article was submitted by petition.

Article 13
We the Town of Andover hereby call upon our State and Federal elected representatives to enact carbon-pricing legislation to protect New Hampshire from the costs and environmental risks of continued climate inaction. To protect households, we support a Carbon Fee and Dividend approach that charges fossil fuel producers for their carbon pollution and rebates the money collected to all residents on an equal basis. Enacting a Carbon Cash-Back program decreases long-term fossil-fuel dependence, aids in the economic transition for energy consumers, and keeps local energy dollars in New Hampshire’s economy. Carbon Cash-Back has been championed by US economists (Jan 17, 2019 Wall St. Journal) as the most effective and fair way to deliver rapid reductions in harmful carbon emissions at the scale required for our safety. We expect our representatives to lead in this critical moment for the health and well-being of our citizens and for the protection of New Hampshire’s natural resources upon which we all rely.

The record of the vote approving this article shall be transmitted by written notice to Andover’s State Legislators, to the Governor of New Hampshire to Andover’s Congressional Delegation, and to the President of the United States, informing them of the instructions from their constituents, by Andover’s Select Board, within 30 days of this vote.

This article is submitted by petition.

Article 14
To transact any other business that may come legally before this meeting.