Andover School Board Meeting Minutes – April 7, 2020

By Judith Turk

This meeting was held remotely (online/telephonically) pursuant to
Governor’s Emergency Order #12, dated March 23, 2020

Elected Board Member Brandon Adams was sworn in prior to this evening’s meeting on March 19, 2020 by Merrimack Valley School District Clerk, Christie Coll.

As a preface to the meeting, Superintendent Mark MacLean presented the “Presiding Member’s Script To Ensure Meetings Are Compliant With The Right-to Know Law During The State Of Emergency” (See APPENDIX)

1. Roll Call and Call to Order –Superintendent Presiding:

 The ASB organizational meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Superintendent Mark MacLean.

Board Present:  Dean Barker-home, solo; Brandon Adams-home, solo; Adam Jones-home, solo; Theresa Georges-home, solo; Aimee Menard-home, solo

Administration Present:  Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Robin Heins, Kathleen
Boucher, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk.

Public Present:  Molly Morgan, Jane Hubbard

2.  Election of Chairperson:

 Aimee nominated Dean Barker to serve as the ASB Chairperson for the new term.  Adam seconded the nomination.
Voting: Dean: abstention; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
All were in favor and Dean Barker was elected as the Andover School District Board Chairperson for the new term.

3.  Election of Vice Chairperson:

Dean nominated Aimee Menard to serve as the ASB Vice-Chairperson for the new term.  Brandon seconded the nomination.
Voting: Dean: yes; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee:  abstention
All were in favor and Aimee Menard was elected as the Andover School District Board Vice- Chairperson for the new term.

4.  Appointment of Alternate Signer:

Dean made the motion that Katie Keyser serve as the Alternate Signer for the new term.  Aimee made the second.
Voting: Dean: yes; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
All were in favor and Katie Keyser was elected as the Andover School District Board Alternate Signer for the new term.

5.  Non-Public Session-RSA-91-A:311

 The Board reserves the right to adjourn or recess a meeting at any time to discuss such matters as are properly considered in non-public session in accordance with RSA 91 A:3. 
Dean moved to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3II (b) at 6:40 PM. Adam made the second.
Dean: yes; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
All were in favor and the Board went into Non-Public Session.

6.  Return from Non-Public Session:

Aimee made the motion to nominate the Andover Elementary Middle School Teaching Staff and Administration as presented for the 2020-2021 school year. Theresa made the second.
Voting:  Dean: yes; Brandon: abstention; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
The majority were in favor and the nominations were approved.

7.  Minutes of Previous Meetings:

For the Public Session of February 4, 2020, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Theresa made the second.
Voting:  Dean: yes; Brandon: abstention; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
The majority were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the Work Session of February 19, 2020, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Theresa made the second.
Voting:  Dean: yes; Brandon: abstention; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
The majority were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the Public Session of March 2, 2020, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Theresa made the second.
Voting: Dean: yes; Brandon: abstention; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
The majority were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the Andover School District Annual Meeting of March 2, 2020, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Theresa made the second.
Voting: Dean: yes; Brandon: abstention; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
The majority were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

8.  Finance Report:

   Adam motioned to approve the finance report.  Aimee made the second.
Voting: Dean: yes; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
All were in favor and the finance report was approved.


  1. Board Chairperson’s Report:

Dean thanked everyone involved in the preparation of the 2020-2021 budget and for their participation in a positive and successful annual meeting. He also expressed appreciation to the SAU and the AEMS administration and staff for their efforts with the onset of remote instruction for the students. He welcomed Brandon to the ASB and thanked him for serving.

10. Principal’s Report:

Jane commented on the beginning success of the remote learning process commending teachers, parents and students for their hard work. It is a work in progress and adjustments will be made. Students in need continue to receive meals and the Andover community has been generous with donations to families.  Professional development opportunities are being planned for the end of the school year for staff.

11.  Old Business:

a. Personnel Update: None

b. Oil Bids:  Aimee made the motion to accept the bid of $1.598 per gallon with Huckleberry Oil for the upcoming 2020-2021 fiscal year.  Adam made the second.
          Voting: Dean: yes; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
          All were in favor and the bid was accepted.

12.  New Business:
Policy DAF: Administration of Federal Funds:  Discussion and description of the proposed policy, second reading will be waived given the present situation.
          Aimee made the motion to approve the Andover School Board Policy DAF, Administration of Federal Funds and to waive the second reading. Theresa made the second.
          Voting:  Dean: yes; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
          All were in favor and the policy was approved.

April Break:  Adam made the motion to adjust the April vacation schedule to give Monday, April 27 off, engaging in school for the remainder of the week in lieu of the previously scheduled April vacation. Theresa made the second.
Voting:  Dean: yes; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
All were in favor and the revised schedule was approved.

SAU Board Meeting:  potentially postponed until the third week of June

  1. Manifest Journal Entries: (notice of new procedure):

 Adam made the motion to approve the manifests and to acknowledge and accept the new procedure. Aimee made the second.
Voting: Dean: yes; Brandon: yes; Adam: yes; Theresa: yes; Aimee: yes
All were in favor and the motion was approved.

14  Superintendent’s Report:  Mark acknowledged the positive outreach of the teachers and community as remote learning has initiated. He congratulated Dean and Aimee on their nominations and welcomed Brandon to the ASB. He also commented on a successful annual meeting.

15.  Assistant Superintendent’s Report:  Randy commended Jane and the AEMS staff for their positive and enthusiastic approach to the setup of remote instruction.

16.   Adjournment:  Aimee moved to adjourn at 8:06 PM and Brandon made the second.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Turk