Vote For Candidates Who Believe in Limited Government Management

By Don and Faith Clendenen

Like many people, we believe in limited government. There are essential functions that governmental agencies are best suited to provide, but not all issues or all problems need government management. We have tended over time to increasingly turn the management of many things over to governmental hands, resulting in restrictions on our liberties, as the government imposes “one-size fits all” solutions to problems that are more nuanced than their mechanisms can accommodate.

And this is why we support both Louise and Natalie. They both are aware that the solutions our state government wishes to impose on everyone are often inappropriate if not counterproductive in many areas, even though those solutions may be useful in some other area. They both believe in limited government.

Governmental power tends to be a very blunt instrument, and should be used with care and at the lowest practical level. Government should try to protect our ability to freely choose much of the details of our day-to-day living, not constrain our choices to the few things the government prefers.

An example that both Louise and Natalie support is school choice. In Andover our schools are excellent, but that isn’t true everywhere in the state. Parents, who know their children best, should have the ability to choose the school that works best for their child, with the districts providing the same funds they would spend should the child be in the public schools. Public funding of K-12 education benefits everyone as educated citizens are needed to keep society healthy, and school choice helps to achieve that end.

That is only one example of why we support Natalie and Louise for our State Representatives.

Don and Faith Clendenen