General Election 2020 – Candidate for NH State Senator

 Republican – Harold French

By Harold French

I am running for my third term as your state senator from District 7. To say it has been an honor and a privilege to have been awarded this seat for the past 4 years would be an understatement.
In the Legislature, we hear about 1,000 bills each year, with the first year of the term also setting the State budget.

This past year I introduced legislation to revisit our DWI laws. It was overwhelmingly passed in both bodies then signed by our Governor. No longer can citizens be arrested for DWI for the mere act of walking towards or sitting in their vehicle while legally intoxicated. This will save many from losing their drivers licenses, paying huge court costs and insurance increases, and losing their jobs and perhaps their homes. All for doing the right thing, not driving while intoxicated.

I introduced legislation that helped good police officers oversee their peers and mandated reporting of misconduct among them. This bill went in far ahead of the national outcry for more oversight of our departments. The Governor strengthened this with his task force he brought together after the BLM movement swept the country.

I also fought all attempts for unnecessary gun control laws and hidden income tax legislation and fought to keep taxes low on our small businesses as they struggle to keep afloat.

There is a lot of work still to do, and I ask for the votes and support of the citizens of District 7.