Michelle Dudek – Candidate for Select Board

By Michelle Dudek

After serving the town as one of the appointed Select Board members this past year, I am running for a full three-year term.  This past year has brought many changes and challenges none of us foresaw as we sat around the meeting table that initial March evening.  However, I am proud to say that we have worked diligently and tirelessly as a team to meet the ever-changing needs of our community. 

When I began my position as Selectperson last March, I came to the table with an open mind – ready to work, to learn, and to listen.  I will continue to do all of those things.  


I believe in building on the great work of those who have served before me and moving forward by thinking outside of the box, utilizing new technologies and tools, and working cooperatively with those around me.

There is much work to be done developing a Highway Department, maintaining a reasonable budget resulting in affordable and realistic taxes, implementing improved systems and procedures to maximize efficiency and costs and quality in all departments, and improving communication between town residents and town hall. 

I look forward to continuing my work with you and for you.