Andover Planning Board Minutes – March 23, 2021

By Lisa Meier

Condensed from approved minutes

Due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis, and in accordance with Governor Sununu’s Emergency Order #12 pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, this Board is authorized to meet electronically.  The public has access to contemporaneously listen and participate in this meeting through the video.

Members present: Art Urie, Chair; John Hodgson, Vice-Chair; Nancy Teach; Randy Monti; Donna Duclos; Ken Wells, Alternate, appointed to Dave Powers position; and John Kinney, ex officio

Also present: Pat Moyer, Planning and Zoning Administrator; Mark Stetson; Greg Stetson; Donna Baker-Hartwell; Meadow Hartwell; Kaitlin and Sterling Baker; Julie Bisson; Zach Barton; David Krause; and Clayton Platt

Public Hearing: Daniel Labonte with David Krause as agent for a minor subdivision for 243 Currier Road, Tax Map 3, Lot 290,580 in the Agricultural / Residential Zone

Urie opened the public hearing at 7:15 PM.  There is a total of 24.70 acres, and the proposal is to divide out six acres with sufficient road frontage.  There is moderately well-drained soil over half of the lot, and the lot meets the Town specifications for steepness.  

There being no comments or concerns, the public hearing was closed at 7:39 PM.  Following the hearing, Kinney moved the board approve the waiver request for the required 100-foot topographic contours. The group consensus was that with the large lots, the 220-foot contours could be considered adequate.  Duclos seconded the motion, and the board voted unanimously via roll call vote to grant the requested waiver. 

Duclos made a motion to approve the application.  Kinney seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously via roll call vote in favor of approving the application.   Krause will provide mylars to Moyer for signatures.

Non-Binding Consultation: Clayton Platt as agent for Mark and Susan Stetson and James Emerson for a Lot Line Adjustment / Annexation for property located on Beech Hill Road, Tax Map 12, Lot 431,538 and Tax Map 5, Lot 343,070 in the Agricultural / Residential Zone

The board reviewed the lot line adjustment / annexation application for completeness. Stetson currently owns 31.78 acres and would like to purchase 18 acres from Emerson, leaving Emerson’s lot with 73.80 acres.  There would be no road frontage change nor any new lots.  There is a waiver request for the 1” = 200’ rather than the 1’ = 100’.   

Hodgson made a motion to grant the waiver.  Wells seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously via roll call vote to grant the waiver. 

There being no further discussion, Kinney made a motion to deem the application complete.  Monti seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously via roll call vote in favor of deeming the application complete.  

The board will act on the application on April 13.  Notices will go out to abutters advising they have until April 9 to provide any feedback to Pat Moyer, Planning and Zoning Administrator, pertaining to this lot line adjustment / annexation.

Non-Binding Consultation: Donna Baker-Hartwell for a Minor Subdivision on Tucker Mountain Road, Tax Map 30, Lot 547,211 in the Forest / Agricultural Zone

Baker-Hartwell advised that the lot is 7.50 acres and would like to create two lots while maintaining the aesthetic view of the school house.  There is currently 989’ road frontage on Pieters Road and 193’ of road frontage below the schoolhouse on Tucker Mountain Road.  Pieters Road is currently summer-maintained only.  

Moyer stated that Pieters Road is a Class VI road, and Urie stated the board cannot approve a subdivision on anything less than a Class V road. Baker-Hartwell asked if it can be made a private road, and Urie replied the rules clearly state it has to be a Class V road or better. 

Kinney asked if there is currently a house on Lot 665,211 and the response was yes.  Urie stated there is not enough road frontage to create two lots.  Urie also stated there is a process to upgrade to a Class V road by the property owners. 

Baker-Hartwell stated there would have to be a 500’ road and asked if it would be Town-maintained after that.  Urie responded that it would need to be accepted at Town Meeting as a Town road. 

Meadow (Donna Baker-Hartwell’s daughter), who wants to build a house on the lot, asked what makes a home on a summer home.  Urie replied that a summer home is a home that is not occupied during the winter.  

If the house is no longer being used as a residence at all, the Town can stop maintaining the road. After four years of not being maintained by the Town, a road officially becomes a Class VI road which is not maintained by the Town.  

Monti advised Baker-Hartwell she may want to talk to Jon Champagne for a quote for 500’ of upgrade on Pieters Road.  Baker-Hartwell asked if they were able to purchase one acre from the lot across from Lot 646,102, would there be enough road frontage on Tucker Mountain Road for a legal subdivision?  Kinney stated they would run into the 4:1 depth to width ratio, which cannot be done. 

Hodgson stated they would need 500’ on Tucker Mountain Road for two driveways for the correct amount to divide. Wells asked if it would be desirable to have a driveway on Tucker Mountain Road due to the schoolhouse view. 

Kinney asked if it would be possible to have a right-of-way on the property line off Tucker Mountain Road to the back lot, and Urie replied no, each lot needs road frontage.

Pat Moyer, Zoning Administrator

Four letters were sent out pertaining to no building permits.  One has responded.

A letter went out to a resident pertaining to needing a Site Plan Review.

Attorney Matt Serge asked Pat if the Planning Board still has concerns regarding B&S Diesel.  Urie responded yes.

Randy Monti regarding Champagne Excavation

The information provided to the State on February 8 pertaining to Champagne’s Alteration of Terrain Permit is still under review by the State.

Nancy Teach regarding Zoning Maps

Teach advised she contacted Doug Phelps asking him if he could contact Lakes Region Planning Commission pertaining to the new maps.  LRPC asked a question about the corner in the Village Zone which was answered; however, Phelps has not received any more responses from LRPC.

Teach and Moyer re-drew the new Village Zone boundaries pertaining to the property lines and will provide this to Avitar to update the property records.

Proposed Zoning Amendment

Current wording was distributed to the board for review and revision.  Teach advised that the Article numbers need to be referenced in the amendments.

Proposed Conservation Subdivision Amendment

A revised draft was distributed to the board for review.  Wells asked if the “open space” is undeveloped rather than cleared, and the response was yes. Urie stated he will change “open space” to “undeveloped” in the document.