Andover School Board Minutes – May 4, 2021

This meeting was held in person and remotely pursuant to Governor’s Emergency Order #12, dated March 23, 2020.

As a preface to the meeting, Superintendent Mark MacLean presented the “Presiding Member’s Script To Ensure Meetings Are Compliant With The Right-to Know Law During The State Of Emergency.”

In-Person Board Present: Aimee Menard, Adam Jones, Dean Barker, and Dan Newton

Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Hilary Denocourt, Kathleen Boucher, Dennis Dobe, Judith Turk

Public Present: Remote participants

Election of Chairperson: Dean nominated Aimee to serve as the Andover School Board (ASB) Chairperson for the new term. Dan seconded the nomination. All were in favor and the nomination was accepted.

Election of Vice Chair: Aimee nominated Adam to serve as the ASB Vice-Chairperson for the new term. Dean seconded the nomination. All were in favor and the nomination was accepted.

Appointment of Alternate Signer: Aimee moved to appoint Katie Keyser to serve as the ASB Alternate Signer for the new term. Dean seconded the nomination. All were in favor and the nomination was accepted.

Finance Report: Dean motioned to approve the financial report. Dan made the second. All were in favor and the report was approved.

Public Comment: Donna Duclos commended the Board on their level of communication and the operation of the meetings.

Board Chairman’s Report: Aimee acknowledged that it is Teacher Appreciation Week and conveyed thanks to faculty and staff on behalf of the ASB for all that they do for the students. She welcomed Dan Newton as a newly elected member of the ASB. She reminded the Board that there is an SAU Board Meeting to take place on May 5.

Principal’s Report: Dennis summarized several highlights to include thanking the Parent Teacher Organization for the generous tokens bestowed upon the AE/MS faculty and staff this week, the emergency safety drills that are currently underway, pending plans for extended summer programming, the upcoming statewide testing, and the postponed Bike to School event to take place at a later date.

Old Business

Hybrid Board Meetings: Dan motioned to return to in person Andover School Board Meetings as opposed to meeting in the hybrid format. Dean made the second. All were in favor and the motion was approved.

New Business

Federal Grant General Assurances: The Board reviewed the guidelines regarding the reporting of the various grants/funds received by the school district from the federal government. The Board Chair, Aimee will sign as confirmation of receipt of these guidelines. Adam made the motion to approve the packet of Federal Grant General Assurance guidelines. Dean seconded. All were in favor and the motion was approved by the ASB.

Permission to Hire: Dean made the motion to allow the Superintendent to hire staff over the summer as needed prior to the next school year. Adam made the second. All were in favor and the motion was approved.

Superintendent’s Report: Mark welcomed Dan aboard and congratulated him and Aimee on their election victories. He recognized the teachers and staff of AE/MS for their work and efforts in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. 

He and Randy recently participated in a conference involving innovative digital processes. He is also part of a national panel that is strategizing proactive measures if new “events” should occur that warrant relevant action. In-person graduation is planned for June at Merrimack Valley High School.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report: Randy spoke about the utilization of current grant funds to support upgrading technology infrastructure and outdoor access. He also spoke about his participation at the Innovations Learning Conference with Mark.

Action from Non-Public Session: Motion by Dean Barker to accept the slate of administrator salaries, seconded by Adam Jones. Roll call vote was taken: Aimee Menard, yes; Adam Jones, yes; Dean Barker, yes; Dan Newton, yes.