Andover Planning Board Minutes, July 13, 2021

Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Donna Duclos, Vice-Chair; Ken Wells; David Powers; John Hodgson

Teach advised she was asked if the Board could hold a non-binding consultation for a minor subdivision with the property owner attending via phone.  The consensus was it is okay to hold a non-binding consultation, however, an applicant would have to be before the Board in person or through an agent for a public hearing.

Teach advised the Board that a few more building permits have been issued by the Zoning Committee.

Powers reported, regarding Jon Champagne, that the blasting plan is to be reviewed by the Fire Chief, and he will contact the Fire Chief to find out if it has been received yet.

The Town has a copy of the Alteration of Terrain permit and has requested it be submitted to the Planning Board. The elevations and plantings have been corrected on the plan. 

The fuel storage area has already been located on his adjacent property and won’t be relocated. There will be no fuel storage area for the aggregate business. 

The well monitoring is to be started. The trees have been purchased for the screening, and Champagne is waiting for them to be planted.

Powers will get in touch with the Select Board regarding the bond, and he will follow up on the rest of the items the Board has requested.

The latest iteration of the zoning maps has been received from Lakes Region Planning Commission and will be reviewed to determine that all is correct.  Property parcels are included; however, no private or scenic roads will be indicated.  The legend will be more detailed.  

Wells recommended having the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway trails indicated on the maps.  Powers asked about overlays for some items.

A new working draft of the Conservation Subdivision Update was distributed to Board members for review.  

Duclos stated she had read through the latest draft and believes that due to the size, people may not read it in depth. She fears it won’t pass at Town Meeting.  She also stated that the Board needs to consider the future generations with this document.  

Teach asked for a final draft if possible.  

Wells asked if an “executive summary” would be appropriate.  Urie stated that it could be okay; however, a completed document is needed.  

Ways to potentially shorten the document need to be discussed.