Town of Andover 2022 Warrant

By Marjorie Roy

This warrant was the best available as of press time; it is not necessarily the official document that will be presented at Town Meeting. The official Town documents are posted at the following locations:

outside the AE/MS gym (the town polling place)

at the Town Office

at the town Post Offices

To the inhabitants of the Town of Andover in the County of Merrimack in the State of New Hampshire, qualified to vote in town affairs are hereby notified and warned of the Annual Meeting to be held as follows: 

At the Andover Elementary/Middle School on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at 7 PM to act on the following subjects:

Article 1: To choose all necessary town officers for the ensuing year. (By ballot vote during polling hours 11 AM to 7 PM on Tuesday, March 8, 2022.)

Article 2: Are you in favor of an amendment to the Andover Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board to add Article XVI:  Conservation Subdivision? (By ballot vote during polling hours. By law, this amendment cannot be voted on during Town Meeting.)

Article 3: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,042,422 for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately. The Select Board does not recommend this article. The Budget Committee does recommend this article. Majority vote required.

Article 4: Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13 (known as SB2) to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the town on the second Tuesday of March? Passage requires a three-fifths (3/5) majority vote of those voting.

Article 5: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $400,000 for the purpose of construction of a Highway Department garage. Said funds will come from the Unassigned Fund Balance. This special warrant article will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until the garage is completed or by 2025, whichever is sooner. The Select Board and the Budget Committee recommend this appropriation. Majority vote required.

Article 6: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000 to be added to the following Expendable Trust Funds (ETF) previously established. The Select Board and the Budget Committee recommend this article

Forest Fire Labor ETF $ 5,000
Town Buildings $20,000
Transfer Station Projects $15,000
Technology ETF $15,000

Article 7: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $254,800 to be added to the following Capital Reserve Funds (CRF) previously established. The Select Board and the Budget Committee recommend this article.

Revaluation CRF $ 11,300
Highway Equipment CRF $ 15,000
Highway Projects CRF $150,000
Police Cruiser Replacement CRF $ 13,500
Transfer Station Equipment CRF $ 10,000
Bridge Rehabilitation CRF $ 50,000
Town Office Boiler Replacement CRF $   5,000

Article 8: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,954 to be added to the Solar Energy Capital Reserve Fund previously established. Said funds to come from the unreserved fund balance. The Select Board and the Budget Committee recommend this article. Majority vote required.

Article 9: To see if the town will vote to establish a contingency fund for the current year for unanticipated expenses that may arise and further to raise and appropriate $10,000 to put in the fund. This sum to come from the Unreserved Fund Balance. Any appropriation left in the fund at the end of the year will lapse to the General Fund. The Select Board recommends this article. The Budget Committee does not recommend this article. Majority vote required.

Article 10: To transact any other business that may come legally before this meeting.