Wilmot Historical Society Offers Supper at August Bandstand Concert

The Fern Family Band performs

Press release

The Wilmot Historical Society is serving supper at the Saturday, August 20, Wilmot Bandstand Concert. Denise’s famous Mac and Cheese will be accompanied by coleslaw and a beverage. Homemade cookies and watermelon are on the menu for dessert. Entertainment will be provided by a local rhythm and blues group, the Fern Family Band.

Have a question about Wilmot history? The history room in the Wilmot Town Office is now open every Saturday during the Wilmot Farmers Market from 9 AM to noon. 

If you would like to inquire about your Wilmot genealogy, docents are on hand to help you. A new addition to help you do your research is a form on which to build your family tree and sheets for you to fill out with pertinent info on family. They are also providing links to help with research.

Wilmot genealogical papers that were compiled many years ago are now available in digitized form. The goal is to upload these files to the Wilmot Historical Society website.

If you have any questions about the history room, please call either Catherine Stearns 603 525-8606 or Liz Kirby 603 496-4883.