Town Needs Volunteers to Serve on Committees and Boards

Andover is fortunate to have helpful residents

By Marjorie Roy

Andover is truly fortunate to have residents who volunteer to serve on committees and boards, beautify the landscape, provide rides to those who need them, staff a genuinely nice Thrift and Gift Shop, put on one heck of a great Fourth of July celebration … the list goes on.  We thank you all!

We still need people to fill vacancies in your town government.  There is a vacancy on the Select Board, openings on the Planning Board for one full member and for an alternate, an opening on the Zoning Board of Adjustment for one member, two openings on the Budget Committee, as well as two openings on the Conservation Commission. 

If you are interested in finding out more about any of these positions, please call Marj at 603 735-5332.  If she is on the phone or away from her desk, please leave a message for her and she will call you back.