Andover Select Board Minutes May 16, 2022

MAY 16, 2022

Members Present:  Michelle Dudek, Chair; Todd Goings
Also present for duration of appropriate item:  Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Donna Duclos; Art Urie; Jon Champagne; Frank Bryson; Nancy Robart; Tina Cotton; Jesse Schust; Jerry Hersey; Shawn Upton; and Lisa Meier, Secretary
Dudek opened the meeting at 6:00 PM
Review of May 2, 2022, Minutes
Motion to approve – Goings
Second – Dudek
Unanimous – Vote to approve

Road Agent Report
There was a washout on Boston Hill Road which was fixed.  Flaghole road got ditched and more need to be. Town Hall was mowed. The equipment will be cleaned and greased tomorrow. Bryson would like to get loam in for town hall to get the lawn in better shape. Goings recommended coordinating with the Garden Club. Champagne indicated he had gotten a message from Chris Aiken regarding mowing and would like the figures and time-frame that the board agreed on.  Bryson stated he will get a list of culverts from Champagne. Goings asked if there are any plans for opening the beach house and Roy responded that they can talk about this tomorrow.  Champagne explained to Bryson what the Highway Department did last year to prep the beach.  Dudek stated a work session will be held to bring Bryson up to date on work orders, etc.
Conservation Committee re: Town Owned Properties
Dudek indicated to the Conservation Committee board members present that only the Chairperson should communicate with the Town Administrator.  Roy indicated she would like to meet with the Conservation Committee to discuss the Right-To-Know law and advise what constitutes a meeting.  Robart asked where the town is regarding the town owned property and the response was everything is in the hands of the Town Attorney. Robart stated the committee was concerned with the listings and that the purchase and sales agreements did not follow the RSA.  She stated that a petition should be drawn up and brought before town meeting. Goings replied that the properties have been on the books for years and the town people have requested that the properties be sold and asked how the Conservation Committee could hold up the sale of the property.   Hersey stated that he is concerned with the property on Bradley Lake. Goings indicated that there is nothing in any of the files indicating leaving the properties to the Conservation Committee.  Schust stated that the issue goes back to the process and State rules and is concerned with the public being shut out. Hersey stated that the Conservation Committee was never notified of the lots being up for sale. Goings replied that everything that was researched indicates the properties were free and clear to be sold and requested the Conservation Committee provide a list of properties they are monitoring for the Select Board. Schust stated he can put something in writing into the files.  Schust also read the process to the Select Board regarding sale of town-owned property for future sales. Cotton stated she was concerned with Art Urie being set up to sell the property as it should have been put out to bid.  Goings replied that there is nothing in writing that indicates it has to go out to bid and that Urie is a local realtor.  Hersey stated he was concerned that Urie selling the property was a conflict of interest as he was recently the Chair of the Planning Board.  Dudek stated that the Board will contact the Conservation Committee once they hear back from the Town Attorney.
Old Business
1. There will be a work session with Frank Bryson regarding the RSMS
2. Something should be done with the Transfer Station trailer sooner rather than later.  Goings asked if there was money in the Capital Reserve Fund for the Transfer Station.  Roy replied that she did not get the figures from the finance department, but will get them and other options.
3. It was brought to Dudek’s attention that someone has been cleaning the beaver deceivers; however, they are not supposed to per Primex due to liability issues. Champagne asked if the town employees would go into the pond and remove the stuff and Dudek replied they would if they had to.
Town Property – Art Urie – Purchase & Sales Agreement
Roy asked Urie which properties he has Purchase & Sales Agreements on and Urie responded Agony Hill, Blueberry Lane, and West Shore Drive. Urie stated he is concerned with the Route 11 property as there is a contract in place and if the board wants to back out the process needs to be started now. Dudek asked if a public hearing could be held on all of the properties at one time.  Urie asked if he needs to be in touch with the people that signed the Purchase & Sales Agreement and Roy stated he can contact them and advise that there needs to be two public hearings.  Goings stated that the board needs to wait until they hear back from the Town Attorney as to whether or not they can move forward with this.
Town Administrator’s Report
1. Roy advised she attended a conference the prior week and did several sessions on “Strategic Thinking” which led into discussions regarding communications.  Communication in the Town Offices needs to be formalized.  Roy would like a work session to review things and then work on an Employee Policy.
Correspondence / Signatures
1. A pole license for Dyers Crossing was signed.
2. A quote from Ossipee Mountain Electronics for radios for the Highway Department vehicles was signed.
3. An informational sales quote was received from Reeds Trucks for a new 1-ton plus plow truck.
Additional Items for Discussion
1. Dudek read RSA 39:3 regarding sale of town property to the board for clarification and understood it to mean only for properties that are overseen by the Conservation Committee.

Dudek made a motion at 6:50 PM to enter into non-public session per RSA 910A:3(a).  Goings seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously via roll-call vote in favor of entering into non-public session. 
Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Meier