Andover Fire Chief Rene Lefebvre Retires After 49 Years in Service

Deputy Chief Stephen Barton, Sr. steps up as Chief

By Meghan Barton
Andover Fire Chief Rene Lefebvre retired on January 1 after 49 years of fire service.

We would like to announce the retirement of Fire Chief Rene Lefebvre after 49 years in the Fire Service. We are excited for Chief Lefebvre, and his wife Sharon, to finally have a little quiet time together.

In 1978, Chief Lefebvre joined the East Andover Fire Department, after serving on the Franklin Fire Department since 1973.  In 1978, Chief Lefebvre was voted in as Fire Chief of the East Andover Fire Department. After many years, the Andover and East Andover Fire Departments started training and responding to emergency calls together. In time, two departments and two precincts became one. Rene became the Andover Fire Chief in 2013. The joining of the two departments was a great feeling of accomplishment.

Chief Lefebvre held his EMT license for 30 years. His familiar face to those in need has always been comforting. Rene’s continued involvement as Chief earned him a seat as a board member of the Lake Region Mutual Fire Aid Association, as well as a membership on the Executive Committee.

Our department has been lucky to have Chief Lefebvre, his unwavering commitment, direction, and trust. He will always be remembered for his experience, wisdom, dedication, and all around friendship. As we look to the future of the department, we welcome Deputy Chief, Stephen Barton, Sr. as our Fire Chief effective January 1, 2023. Chief Lefebvre is excited for Deputy Barton to take on his new role as Andover’s Fire Chief.

Chief Lefebvre, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  We are thankful for the time you and your family have given to the Town of Andover over the past 44 years. Best wishes in your retirement.