Conservation Commission Minutes, August 14, 2013

August 14

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Mary Anne Broshek, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan, guest Gerry Gold, SRK Greenway. Excused: Larry Chase

The New Hampshire Legislature has fully funded the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP). Applications for grants are now being received at the LCHIP office until September 13.

ASLPT Update

The Woods Forum held at Bluewater Farm on August 13 went well. Landowners who attended were able to discuss issues important to them and get their questions answered. ASLPT had a very informative handout.

The bike ride will be held on September 7; 200 riders are expected. Nan needs help with sandwiches.

Updates from Prior Meetings

Co-occurrence disk: Due to minimal changes on new maps, the disk will not be redone at this time. The current disk will be reviewed by members at the October meeting.

Filing: no progress

Baseline documentation: The Greenleaf conservation easement was selected as the first Town easement to have baseline documentation completed.

Taking Action for Wildlife

Bradley Lake: 24 people attended the event at Bluewater Farm. Dave Anderson, Education Director at the Society for Protection of New Hampshire Forests, gave a brief presentation on the long-term history of the surrounding forests and then led the group on a walk to the outdoor chapel to discover things along the way, ask questions, and learn about wildlife habitat.

Dragon Fly Walk: Close to 40 people attended the dragonfly walk on August 31, co-sponsored by Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) and the Conservation Commission, at the Hiller property. Andy and Carrie Deegan were the teachers, and everyone enjoyed catching the dragonflies, learning how to hold them without harm, and then researching what kind they were.

Bog Pond: This event will be held on August 19 at 10:30 AM, beginning at Blackwater Junction Restaurant. Greg Hamel has graciously donated the use of the restaurant for the presentation part of the event. Emma Carcagno from UNH Cooperative Extension will present information on wetlands and the wildlife that live there and then lead a walk to the pond. Dave Pilla has provided Nan with a copy of the Bog Pond report done by Proctor students – it will be emailed to Conservation Commission members.

MooseMan: August 29 at Stone Chapel. Andover’s Rick Libbey will present a talk on his experiences photographing wildlife.

Forestry Workshop: The forestry workshop is tentatively scheduled for September 28 at Eric Johnson’s on Tucker Mountain Road. Eric, Tim Fleury (Merrimack County Forestry) and Dave Pilla will lead this workshop, which will also be publicized to New Hampshire Timberland Owners Association members who live nearby. More details will be available at the next meeting.

New Members

Potential new members have been invited to attend the September meeting.

SRK Greenway Trailwork

Gerry Gold attended the meeting to talk to members about the trailwork initiative on the Greenway and to determine if Conservation Commission members would co-sponsor the Andover trail work day that will be held on September 25. Lee Cavalho will lead the trailwork.

A motion was made and seconded to sponsor, and the vote was all in favor. Nan will be the contact between the Conservation Commission and the SRKG on this project. Members will be responsible for drumming up interest in participating in the trailwork and providing refreshments for the work crew.

Members had a number of suggestions for Gerry regarding groups and organizations that might be interested in participating. Gerry will e-mail a digital map of the Greenway with an update once the trailwork designations are removed.

Gerry also provided members with the 2013 Fall Walkabout schedule, which covers eight Greenway walks from September 8 to October 26. The schedule will be posted on the Town Hall bulletin board.