Mario Ratzki Reports from Concord: October 2013

Medicaid expansion up for vote in November

By Mario Ratzki, NH Representative

The Medicaid Expansion Commission has just released its findings and recommendations. It is saying Yes to expansion and would establish a New Hampshire hybrid system of federal, state, and private health insurances. Some people would be covered under Medicaid, others with the state Health Insurance Premium Payment program, and others with federally-subsidized health care coverage in the private markets.

The first three years will be paid 100% by the feds. If funding should fall below what the feds promised, we would have six months to reauthorize (or not reauthorize) the program. It would all start on January 1, 2014.

All New Hampshire House representatives have been called into a special session on Thursday, November 7 to establish the rules of this special session and to introduce the legislation setting up the Medicaid Expansion. We will return on Thursday, November 21 to vote on the legislation.

It’s become clear in the last few months that the monthly meetings I was holding are not the most effective way for people to get in touch with me. I will suspend them for now and encourage people to contact me by e-mail at or call me at 735-5440.