Present: Chair Mary Anne Broshek; members Larry Chase, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan, Derek Mansell; guest Sandra Graves.
Correspondence: New Hampshire Department of Transportation letter outlining work to be done on the Route 11 bridge in East Andover crossing the rail trail, and requesting input on any ACC environmental concerns (Tina to respond with copy to Board of Selectmen).
ASLPT Update: Nan reported on the closing of a new ASLPT-held easement on Stoney Brook in Newbury; on an ASLPT-supported September 6 event organized by the Biking Club of New Hampshire and passing through Andover.
We discussed the transfer to ASLPT of an easement held by the Town for which stewardship funds from ACC may be required. There was consensus of the group that this was a reasonable expenditure for the ACC; however, Nan will check on other possible sources of funding.
Underscoring the need for easement monitoring, Nan reported on an easement violation in Warner that had been discovered by the monitor.
Town Meeting Day: Members agreed to staff an informational table, to include audiovisual equipment and material, beginning at 11 am and ending ending at 5 PM. Tina will provide the DVDs of the Taking Action for Wildlife programs held in 2013, and Nan will put together information on conservation easements.
Bradley Lake Town-owned lots: Mary Anne reported that a potential warrant article recommending sale of the lots had been withdrawn. She will ask ASLPT and the Forest Society if either organization has an interest in holding easements on the lots. It was also suggested that the properties, and Bradley Lake drinking-water quality, could be better protected by turning the properties over to the Village District. The ACC has been asked to attend the February 18 Selectmen’s meeting to discuss these properties.
Update on 2014 events: Mary Anne reported that about 20 local residents had participated in an ACC-sponsored snowshoe walk on Proctor Academy property led by Proctor’s Dave Pilla. She also described planning for a spring sale of plantings that would attract wildlife.
Larry recommended inviting Emily Preston of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department to speak to the community on the impact of climate change and wildlife. Members agreed, and also agreed to provide “reasonable funding” if a speaker’s fee is required. He also outlined a possible series of Beacon articles on lake and watershed stewardship.
Tina mentioned that Chris Wells, senior director of strategic projects/policy at the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, might be willing to give a talk on the natural resources of our area.
Derek described positive conversations with Andover school teachers about promoting conservation education in the classroom, perhaps with support from New Hampshire Fish and Game.
Monitoring of Town Lands: Derek has monitored the Bog Pond area and shared his map and narrative of his visit. He will use this documentation in his evaluation of all Town lands and easements held by the Town so we can better document findings.
It was noted that Proctor Academy would host a talk by wildlife biologist and bear expert Ben Kilham on Friday, February 21.