Members present: Paul Currier, Chair; Jon Warzocha, Vice-Chair; Nancy Teach; Pat Moyer; Wood Sutton
Also present for duration of appropriate items: Dave Powers, Building Inspector
Letter from NHDES regarding rehab / replacement of Route 11 bridge in East Andover
Public Hearing: Jon Warzocha: Proposed annexation, property on Route 4A. Review and decision to follow public hearing
Currier opened the public hearing and Warzocha recused. Warzocha presented a plan indicating a proposed addition of 20 acres to his current 12.50 acres. There will be a total of 59.93’ of road frontage on Campground Road in Wilmot and 545’ of road frontage on Route 4A in Andover. A copy of the deed and easement for NHEC was presented.
The Board approved a waiver for topo, soils, and wetlands. The Board agreed that 200’ scale is appropriate.
There being no public present and the Board having no further questions, the public hearing was closed and the Board voted unanimously in favor of deeming the application complete. The Board voted unanimously in favor of approving the application. A mylar and two copies of the plan were signed by the Board.
Informal consultation / additional information, followed by review and decision: Wayne and Brenda McDonald, proposed home occupation in Forest and Agriculture District, site appropriateness determination for Special Exception.
The board did not act on the subject because neither the applicants nor their representative were present.
Electronic Filing: There is currently no location for items related to land parcels. Currier will discuss with the Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator the possibility of using space on the Town server along with posting agendas, minutes, etc. on the Town Web site. A drop-box was also discussed for works-in-progress.
Additional Items for Discussion
Potential Board members were discussed. Sutton stated he felt Dave Powers, Building Inspector, should be considered as an alternate member of the Planning Board. Warzocha and Currier stated this would be a conflict of interest. It was the consensus of the Board that Art Urie should be asked to serve on the Board. Wood Sutton will ask Art.
At the February 25 meeting the Board intends to start work on the overhaul of the Special Exception part of the Zoning Ordinance with the objective of doing away with the Additional Special Exception (D1) and expanding to allow for light industrial and commercial.
Also at the February 25 meeting the Board intends to begin work on the filing system, starting with unsorted Planning Board material that now resides on top of filing cabinets.
Based on input from Town Counsel, there will not be a Warrant Article to affirm Planning Board authority to adopt regulations for site plan review, subdivisions, or excavation permits.