Conservation Commission Minutes, March 20, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Mary Anne Broshek (chair), Larry Chase, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan; guest Sandra Graves. Absent: Derek Mansell

 Correspondence: From the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions, notice of the annual “Saving Special Places” conference on April 5. Nan will attend, with reimbursement approved by ACC members. From the Lakes Region Planning Commission, notice that it is updating its Comprehensive Regional Plan and requesting town comments.

To be sent to The Andover Beacon, a letter thanking former road agent John Champagne for his support of ACC projects. (Letter published in April Beacon.)

ASLPT Update

Nan reported that Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT} would be assuming ownership of, and monitoring responsibility for, the 54-acre Old College Road Preserve.

She also described planning for a three-day, 75-mile run on the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge (SRK) Greenway, on August 22 through 24, with proceeds going to the Greenway.

Halcyon Island Protection

ACC members reviewed a proposed process for developing an ordinance for protecting Halcyon Island on Highland Lake and the wildlife thereon; and for proposed signage for conveying information about the island to the public. When additional input is received from the Highland Lake Protective Association, ACC will send its recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for final adoption.

Town-Owned Waterfront

ACC members voted to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that fires of any kind, fireworks, overnight camping, and dumping of trash be prohibited on the Town-owned waterfront lots on Bradley Lake, and that the launching of watercraft be permitted. Members also voted to recommend that these rules not be posted.

DES Wetlands Program

Mary Anne will ask Mike Vercellotti, Andover Village District Commissioner, if he will he serve as the ACC’s expert in matters related to drinking water and water quality, including attendance at various New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) meetings. Tina will send our State Representative Mario Ratzki the unreasonable constraints that DES must operate under for inspections of possible wetlands violations.

Transfer of Easement

Regarding the transfer of a Town-owned easement on a 136-acre property in the Taunton Hill area to ASLPT, it was reported that any costs incurred in the transfer (legal, surveying, stewardship fees) would have to be borne by ACC.

Highland Lake Dam

With the death of Bryant Adams, Highland Lake’s longtime unofficial dam-keeper, a town resident asked who has responsibility for monitoring the level of the lake. ACC consensus was that that responsibility should rest with an individual or group familiar with lake history and the water needs of shoreline residents and the East Andover Fire Precinct. Mary Anne will discuss further with the Board of Selectmen.

Update on 2014 Projects

Tina will attempt to identify a date in May for a presentation on the natural resources of our area by Chris Wells, senior director of strategic projects/policy at the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests.

Stacy Luke, Merrimack County Conservation District Manager, was suggested as a potential leader of a workshop on planting for wildlife. Mary Anne will pursue.

Larry and Mary Anne will collaborate on a series of articles on protecting local lakes for publication by the Beacon during the summer months.

Larry will continue to try to find a speaker for a presentation on climate change and wildlife in the fall.

Other Business

Larry will query Kittie Wilson, nature photographer and loon advocate, about her availability to give a presentation on loons in Andover in July, when summer residents are here.

ACC members approved of spending a small amount of commission funds for purchase of tokens of appreciation for ACC presenters and other supporters.

Responding to the Board of Selectmen’s expression of interest in the removal of Japanese knotweed in town, ACC members agreed to gather and pool “best practices” information, and deliver it to the Board for further action.