Planning Board Minutes, March 25, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Paul Currier, Chair; Jon Warzocha, Vice-Chair; Nancy Teach; Don Gould; Wood Sutton; and Duncan Coolidge, ex-officio

Also present for duration of appropriate items: Deb Brower; Lenny Caron; Bert Cox


Copy of a complaint regarding MDS Auto Shop located at 158 Main Street along with the Building Inspector’s response pertaining to his action.

Notices from Danbury of public hearings for Ragged Mountain Pacific LLC to be held on March 25, 2014.

Site appropriateness and adequacy of septic and well for input to Zoning Board of Adjustment’s Special Exception for Bert Cox for property at 25 Shady Lane: Mr. Cox stated that he is interested in purchasing the property at 25 Shady Lane, which currently has an existing year-round A-frame dwelling. The proposal is to demolish the dwelling and build a new dwelling which would be further away from the river.

The property is non-conforming; has less than an acre; has no road frontage; and is in the Forest and Agricultural District. The lot would not meet the zoning ordinance criteria for lot size or frontage. However, the proposed demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a new dwelling would meet all performance requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, so a Special Exception is not needed due to non-conforming issues with the proposed construction.

A Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment is needed due to the Forest and Agricultural District. Part of this process is the Planning Board finding the site appropriate for the use and having adequate septic and water.

Warzocha asked what the shoreland requirements are, and Mr. Cox responded that the septic designer will take this into account.

Currier stated he is unsure where the flood hazard zone is. If the property is in the zone, the new dwelling cannot have a basement.

The Board voted unanimously in favor of deeming the site appropriate for a single family dwelling based on the subdivision predating zoning and an existing single family dwelling is currently located on the property.

Preliminary Non-Binding Consultation: Deb Brower of Bluewater Farm. Deb stated she has had her property surveyed, and the surveyor has found that there is less acreage than what she and the prior owner(s) have paid taxes on.

She is contemplating subdividing the property; however, there is no road frontage, and she is in talks with abutters hoping to resolve this issue. She would like to put approximately 120 acres on the opposite side of the lake into conservation easement. Deb will be present at the April 8 meeting at 7:30 PM.

Wayne and Brenda McDonald: Proposed tanning salon

A letter was received advising the Board that the McDonalds have changed their plan to locate the tanning salon in the existing garage. However, a new septic will still be constructed. The survey has a full design for septic; however, it is not yet approved by the State.

The Board voted unanimously that the site has adequate water and septic that meets all applicable state requirements.

Discussion: Requests to Board of Selectmen for file server space and enhanced secretarial support. The Town Web site needs to be created, and the adopted Zoning Ordinance needs to be published.

Nancy Teach researched Town Meeting minutes to determine if and when it was voted on at Town Meeting to grant the Planning Board authority to grant subdivisions. Authority to grant subdivision and excavation permits still needs to be researched.

Additional Items

Currier asked Lenny Caron if he had any business to bring to the Planning Board, and Caron stated he was there to observe and is interested in becoming a Planning Board member. Currier was unsure what positions were available.

Sutton advised he is immediately resigning as a member of the Board; therefore, his position is available. The Board had previously discussed possible members, and Currier will draft an article for the Beacon relative to open positions on the Board.