Selectwoman Sophie Viandier and Road Agent John Thompson were sworn in to their respective elected positions.
The Board took a few minutes to reorganize for the coming year. Selectman Coolidge volunteered to serve as chairperson and Selectman Danforth and Selectwoman Viandier thanked him.
Road Agent
The Board agreed that the Road Agent position be bonded in the amount of $10,000 and directed Town Administrator Marj Roy to obtain a bond in that amount. This is the same amount of bond as has been issued in the past several years. The premium is minimal.
Spring road weight limits will be posted by John who will also post the required weight limits on three bridges as required by the Department of Transportation. Failure to properly post can result in federal funds being withheld. This would include Federal Emergency Management Agency funds if we were to have an event such as major spring flooding.
John inquired about the form that was used in the past as a waiver for road postings on an individual basis, determined by the Road Agent. Town Administrator Roy will investigate this.
Selectman Danforth inquired as to whether or not the Lawrence Street Bridge has been properly posted with the reduced weight limit and “one lane only” signage. John will check on this. Selectman Danforth stated that the Road Agent is responsible for written annual reports of inspection of upper deck, guard rails, fencing, etc. on all town bridges.
New Business
Leonard Caron came to the Board regarding repurchase of his tax-deeded properties. He explained his situation. Mr. Caron has received notice from the Town’s attorney and must respond within 15 days.
He asked the Board to waive interest and penalties when he repurchases the properties. The Board responded that it will discuss this and get back to Caron. Town Administrator Roy will have the Town’s attorney calculate the repurchase prices based on the Board’s decision.
Tina Cotton requested a couple of minutes of the Board’s time. She had several points to make:
Poor sound quality on recorded minutes – she asked that everyone speak louder. The Board requested a microphone on the table.
“Board meetings are too early.” The Board asked if 6:30 would be a more reasonable time.
“Is renovation of the file room necessary? Installing a window will require an air conditioner.”
“Where have Selectmen’s meeting minutes been posted?” Town Administrator Roy explained that agendas were being removed from both post offices on a regular basis, so posting there became ineffective. Agendas have been posted in the meeting room and the lobby of the Town Offices as well as in The Andover Beacon. She also said the agendas will be posted on the new Web site that is currently under construction.
Tina also voiced her opinion that the Board has been “micromanaging” committees. Selectman Coolidge stated that it would not be necessary for that involvement if all of the committees had been fulfilling all of their obligations, and he stated that the Board has no interest in being involved in committee work.
Tina expressed her dissatisfaction about the Fourth of July Committee transitioning from a stand-alone committee to a Town committee.
It was explained that since the Fourth of July event was not sponsored by an official Town of Andover committee, the Town liability insurance did not cover the event. Consequently any liability claim and award due to an injury or property damage related to the event would have been a financial burden for the entire community and be paid for through our taxes, not by our liability insurance. That was the sole reason for encouraging the Fourth of July Committee to become an official Town committee.
The only other responsible option was for the Fourth of July Committee to obtain its own liability policy, and that was found to be prohibitively expensive by the Committee. The Selectmen reiterated that they have no interest in being involved in committee work but needed to provide coverage for the long-standing Fourth of July celebration.
Selectman Danforth stated that people from various committees had come to the Board for arbitration of committee decisions. The Recreation Committee was reorganized and is operating well. The Fourth of July Committee voted last year to become a Town committee. During the summer, a second vote was taken, and the Committee did not want to be a Town committee. Later, another vote was taken and the Committee voted to become a Town committee.
“$39.95 for the blue trash bags used for town-wide cleanup was charged to the Conservation Commission without consultation.” Town Administrator Roy stated that she understood the event was being sponsored by the Conservation Commission.
Selectman Danforth reminded everyone that a 1976 Town Meeting decision required a purchasing policy. There are state laws that apply to each committee, and the policy will be updated this year.
“Hiring a forester is not a good idea.”
“Eradication of Japanese Knotweed is expensive and ineffective. The UNH Extension Service has an effective plan.”
“The Cable TV Committee was surprised that the Board had dissolved the committee.” Selectman Danforth reported that he had spoken with Charlie Darling about this last summer. He and Charlie went over the details, and Charlie said he agreed that dissolving the committee would be best for everyone.
Friends of the Northern Rail Trail
Ed Hiller represented the Friends of the Northern Rail Trail and reported that the Department of Transportation is planning to change the “Hogback” Bridge on Route 11 between Dyers Crossing and the Franklin town line. There are two options available for the structure above the Northern Rail Trail.
One option is the tunnel-like culvert like the Lawrence Street installation. The second option is a precast cement structure such as that over the Northern Rail Trail in Potter Place. The precast cement structure is definitely preferable to the long metal culvert that is long, dark, and secluded.
Ed, on behalf of the Friends of the Northern Rail Trail, asked the Board to send a letter to the Department of Transportation recommending that the replacement for the Route 11 bridge over the Northern Rail Trail be the concrete arch type used to replace the Route 11 bridge in Potter Place. The Board agreed to do so.
Selectman Danforth asked Ed if the Friends of the Northern Rail Trail would have a presentation ready for the construction meeting that will be held at the Town Office; no date has yet been set. Ed agreed to prepare a presentation and to talk with the Historical Society, Recreation Committee, and the Conservation Committee about their input for the meeting.
Police Department
Chief Laramie presented the stats for February 15 to March 15. There were two burglaries at residences on back roads. Patrols have been increased, as have property checks. Also, there were four auto accidents that were weather-related. Chief Laramie gave other stats for the month.
Chief Laramie reported that the Town has a form that is given to truckers that requires them to give bond. The forms must be in the truck if the driver is stopped by the police.
Three years ago, Andover was awarded an Off Highway Recreational Vehicle patrol grant by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. The grant has been denied for the last two years, but Chief Laramie has applied again. The grant provides funding for patrol time on the Northern Rail Trail.
Sgt. Mahoney and Chief Laramie have been attending meetings at AE/MS focused on school violence. Emergency services, the fire chief, the Town Administrator, school representatives, and Proctor Academy representatives also attend and the meetings, which are facilitated by Jane Hubbard of Hubbard Consulting.
Chief Laramie asked what the next step is in the purchase of the new cruiser. The Board agreed that the Chief will get an official quote from Irwin and pass it on to Town Administrator Roy who will work with Lake Sunapee Bank to obtain the $25,000 financing as voted (Article 12 on the 2014 Warrant) at Town Meeting.
Selectman Danforth asked if the Town has an animal control program with a scanner to read the digital chips in dogs and if there was a system where people can drop off information and photos of their dogs. The Chief replied there is no such program. He also stated that the position of Animal Control Officer does not fall under the Police Department. That position has not been staffed in many years, as no one has been willing to serve in that capacity.
Town Clerk and Tax Collector
Town Clerk and Tax Collector Joanna Sumner met with the Board and reported that she would like to call taxpayers whose properties are up for tax deeding to discuss arranging payment plans.
Joanna reported that there are $51,000 uncollected taxes from 2011. She also reported that 96% of the billed amount has been collected for the 2013 tax billing.
Selectman Danforth stated that statutorily, the Board has three options:
In the event of tragedy, catastrophic illness, etc. the Board can arrange an option whereby the taxpayer is able to re-establish themselves with the Town.
Taxpayers who are over age 65 and are unable to move from the position of three years in arrears to current status can meet with the Board to discuss options.
In any case, the Board will look at the overall situation. The Board would like to find a way to use some discretion (per RSA) to help seriously delinquent taxpayers.
Selectman Coolidge asked Joanna what would be the consequences of a missed payment on a pay arrangement. The Board gave Joanna permission to proceed and stated that consequences of missed payments should be part of a written policy. This will help future Boards and tax collectors as well as give clear definition to any payment arrangement.
Joanna said it is necessary to find a realistic solution on a case by case basis.
Old Business
Semi-Annual Tax Billing: Town Meeting asked the Selectmen to defer semi-annual tax billing until 2015. A motion was made by Selectman Danforth to defer, not rescind, semi-annual tax billing until 2015. Selectwoman Viandier seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
The Board briefly discussed the Gale Road Bridge. Signage needs to be put in place that says, “Closed to All Traffic.” This includes bikes, recreational vehicles, and foot traffic.
Town Administrator Roy asked for clarification on the price of a printed copy of the “Master Plan.” The Board indicated that $25 is in line with what other towns charge.
New Business
The Board briefly discussed the recommendation by the Department of Revenue Administration that towns change assessing firms every five to ten years. Selectman Danforth proposed having a Blue Ribbon Committee to do research for expectations and what issues will be posed by hiring a new assessing firm. Having an advisory committee would help the Board ask better questions during the bidding process.
A public hearing is required before hiring a new assessing firm.
The Board would like to have the mowing bids out by the end of April. Town Administrator Roy was directed to request the involvement of the Cemetery Trustees and the Recreation Committee in this process. They will need to decide whether to write their own contracts or turn that responsibility over to the Board.
At this time of year it is necessary to be sure that all committees and boards have formal and full membership. A letter will go out asking for current committee members and the need for appointments.
Town Administrator Roy will ask other towns for their purchasing policies for use in updating our policy.
Town Administrator Roy will develop a form to be used for use of personal vehicles for Town business.
Selectman Danforth moved that all disbursements will be made on a bi-weekly basis. Selectman Coolidge seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Town Administrator Roy will provide the Board with the list of official holidays.