Fifty Years Ago: June 1964

Gardens destroyed by a hard frost

By Heather Makechnie, for the Beacon

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie.

June 2, 1964

Private David Newton, son of Mrs. Mildred Newton, arrived home the first of the week from Germany. David has been in the Army for three years and has received his discharge from the service. Welcome home, David.

The Fortnightly Club took two new members at their last meeting. They were Mrs. Emily Gulick and Mrs. Beth Frost. Hostesses were Mrs. Dora Newcomb and Mrs. Bryant Adams.

Advertisement: Let Trailways do all your planning, and be sure of your hotel accommodation at the New York World’s Fair.

June 9, 1964

It was voted at the last meeting to change the name and organization of the PTA to the PTO, an organization for our school and town. All proceeds will stay in town.

American Legion Crosby-Gilbert Post 101 and Auxiliary held Memorial Day exercises on Saturday at the monument on the Andover Town Common. Reverend Kelsey led the prayer and gave the address. Mrs. Doris Buswell directed the third and fourth graders in song, and Peter Chamberlain gave the Gettysburg Address. The firing squad was under the charge of Commander Gordon Lull. Flags were placed on the graves of all veterans, and markers were replaced on the graves where someone had taken them away last year. There is a heavy penalty for removal of grave markers.

The seventh graders will go to Canobie Lake. Those taking the children are Mrs. Gordon Lull, Mrs. Irene Jewett, Mrs. Leo Carpenter, and Principal of the School Perley Henderson Jr.

Franklin Schools have announced that, come next term, the days of the three Rs are numbered there. There will still be “Readin’ and Ritin’,” but “Rithmetic” will be replaced by “Modern Math,” in the first three elementary grades. In this new system, based on achievement of skills rather than arbitrary advancement by grade, the student will learn not by rote but by understanding each concept as it builds toward the next.

Charles H. Benson, 86, died on June 3 at the White Maple Nursing Home in Andover after a long illness. Mr. Benson was born in Colorado but moved to Andover 11 years ago from Quincy, Massachusetts. He was an exterior and interior decorator and painter. He was a member of the Blackwater Grange in Andover. The only surviving member of his family is his wife, Mrs. Pauline (Durgin) Benson.

June 16, 1964

Mrs. Perley Ordway received word that her son, Dale McLeod, has been promoted to Sp 5, 22 days before his discharge from the Army.

Cindy and Laurie Condon, Cheryl Fenton, Wenona Harding, and Jeffery Scott graduated from the Kiddie Korner Kindergarten School in Salisbury on June 5 at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Maud Prince. The class wore blue gowns and white hats. Scott Ireland, Wendy Curtis, and Wayne Curtis were in the first year class. All these children are from East Andover and Andover.

Showing at the Regal Theatre in Franklin this week: The Horror of the Party Beach and The Curse of the Living Corpse. Notice: No person will be admitted unless they sign a waiver releasing Regal Theatre from all responsibility of Death By Fright. Special kiddie show on Saturday with free popcorn, balloons, Lone Ranger masks and Beatles trading cards. Enter a special coloring contest, and win a silver dollar!

Many local gardens were destroyed last week by an untimely hard frost.

Wedding anniversary congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poblenz on June 14. [It was their 34th anniversary.]

June 23, 1964

East Andover Volunteer Fire Company held its monthly meeting on June 10. Captain Sherman Taylor and Harland Wright of the Franklin Fire Department were present to give a demonstration with their dummy.

The company was called out one day last week to put out a fire by the home of Elizabeth Dodge, by the tracks. The fire was caused by sparks from a passing train.

Plans were made for the clean-up of the bathing beach and about the part the Fire Company will play in the Fourth of July celebration.

If anyone finds any turtles, Mr. Chaffee would like them for the Turtle Race booth.