Highland Lake Moves July Fourth to the Fifth

Word-of-mouth made the switch work

By Earle Davis, HLPA

Due to the mighty rains on the Fourth of July, two of the Highland Lake Protective Association’s (HLPA) annual events were simply postponed until sunny but windy Saturday, July 5.

Without opportunity to publicize the change, HLPA members informed area residents primarily by word of mouth. And like Paul Revere warning of the British invasion, member Jenna Davis took it upon herself to be escorted around the shoreline in a boat on the fifth, shouting to the busy beachfronts: “The Boat Parade is at 4 o’clock today, and the flares at 9 tonight! Oh, and Happy Fowath!”

There were about eight entrants in the parade, who bobbed around in a stiff wind and waves to loud and enthusiastic applause from the shore. The Boat Parade winner this year was the Hannibal family who decorated their pontoon boat as a giant shark, complete with a wide open jaw and wagging tail fin.

One highlight of the Boat Parade was a fully dressed Uncle Sam who – in full regalia, hat and all – dove (or more like belly-flopped) off his float to rescue a straw hat, to the cheers and applause of Highland Lake’s northern cove crowd.

At 7 PM, the HLPA’s Ice Cream Social commenced at the East Andover Fire Station to appreciative customers, happy to be enjoying a delicious sundae in the setting sun of a pleasant and dry evening. And right on schedule at 9 PM, a generous combination of traditional flares and solar flares lit up sections of Highland’s shoreline, which was a nice lead-in to a number of area private fireworks displays visible from the lake.

Despite the wet start and slight delays, the holiday weekend was a great success for participants, residents, and the HLPA, and we thank everyone who supported the events.