Board of Selectmen Minutes, July 7, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Selectmen Danforth, Coolidge, and Viandier; John Thompson, Reggie Roy, Town Administrator (TA) Marj Roy.

Road Agent

Road Agent John Thompson reported that street sweeping is getting finished up.

John finished the work at the beach parking lot and handed in the bill.

Mill Road work has been completed.

Discussed John’s involvement with the re-positioning of the new Transfer Station building. John will help with moving the building so an employee will have a full view of who’s dumping what into compactor.

New work proposals by John: none. He said he’s still working on previous jobs.

Transfer Station

Reggie Roy will put sign at the Transfer Station to let contractor’s know the Town is accepting bids for cutting roof, shortening the compactor building, other necessary repairs.

Reggie gave a detailed breakdown of all employee’s hours worked at the Transfer Station.

Reggie mentioned revisions are being worked on for the Transfer Station rules.

Town Administrator’s Report

Marj requested that the Recreation Committee draft the maintenance contract for Blackwater Park. It was decided that Marj will draft the contract and forward it to Tom Frantz, chair of the Recreation Committee, for review, approval.

The new police cruiser is in and insurance has been added. An ad was placed in paper for bids on old cruiser.

The new Town Web site will be launched this month. The site will include subscription option, town event calendar, Town contact information, news and notices, a pay button for tax bills and registrations, along with a special links section.

The consumer water testing results are available in the office.

The Comcast monthly bill has increased by five dollars.

Background checks need to be in for the soccer program no later than July 25, due to the fact that it can take the State three weeks to process. The appropriate people have been informed.

Invitation for a meeting was sent out to Cemetery Trustees.

Selectman Danforth has placed an article in The Andover Beacon listing subjects to be covered at August Selectmen meetings.

There is a public hearing scheduled for August 4. The following will be covered at the meeting:

  • Review Transfer Station rules
  • Review Town fees

Recreation Committee

Tom Frantz: Mentioned that the swim program has started and one of the helpers didn’t show up on the first day.

A new raft has been built and should be in the water by July 9.

There were two maintenance bids, and Howard George was granted the contract.

The new soccer coach will be Heidi Murphy.

Background checks are needed for the upcoming soccer and ski programs.

Selectman Danforth has spoken with Jane Slayton about unified rules for the athletic fields at AE/MS and Blackwater Park.

Andover Energy Group

Larry Chase, chairman, and five members were present and asked for support to participate in a 15-week project by Vital Communities regarding solar energy for private homes. Andover would be able to participate if we join New London and Wilmot.

The application is due July 21 and will need two letters from volunteers and Town representatives. They have the two letters, one from Charles Darling and the other from Jane Slayton. They are asking for the Town’s support. All three Selectmen gave approval. The letter will be signed by the Town Administrator.

New Business

Hardship Abatement Policy handed out to Selectmen for review. It will be adopted at the next Selectmen meeting.

Invitation sent out for the Pot Luck gathering.

Discussed three possible warrant articles for 2015. One of the articles would be continuation of the lease of Town property to the Andover Horseshoe Club. Long-term lease of Town property requires a Town Meeting vote. A warrant article will be necessary.

Correspondence and Signatures

Town received letter from Ron Charles. Ron owns property on Fox Farm Road. He is wondering if there is a way for the Town to produce revenue from the Town-owned properties. He wants to know when the Town will be trimming around the Cilleyville-Bog Bridge. The Town needs to send a letter informing Mr. Charles that the Town doesn’t own the land around the bridge and cannot do the trimming.

All three Selectmen signed off on the MS-5.

The Board signed a letter to a taxpayer who no longer lives at their Beech Hill Road property regarding their existing VA tax credit.