Summer is coming to an end, so if you have not visited Wilmot Farmers Market, there are only four market days left. If you are a regular customer, bring a friend to enjoy the ambiance of an outdoor market.
This is the time to stock up on meat and vegetables for the fall and winter. It is also an opportunity to shop early for the holidays, whether it is for a handmade craft or special preserve. Vendors are prepared to take orders, and many will have opportunities for customers to visit their home stands.
Music will be provided by Folk Fusion on September 6, Andover’s Lindsey Schust and the Ragged Mountain Band on the 13th, Richard King on the 20th, and Mike Cressy on the 27th. The Education Tent will feature Spinning on the 6th, Fall Gardening on the 13th, and Bees on the 20th.
The vendors would like to thank all of our area customers who have supported us throughout the season. We have appreciated those of you who have been so loyal for several years and have been part of the “buy and grow local” movement. We hope that Wilmot Farmers Market is a Saturday pleasure for you all.
The Market will be open each Saturday, rain or shine, from 9 AM to noon, through September 27. If you have any questions, please contact Donna Abair at HazzardAcresFarm@nullyahoo.com or 763-9105, or visit WilmotFarmersMarket.com.