FNRT to Celebrate Completion of the Northern Rail Trail

Everyone's invited on October 4 in Boscawen

By Lindy Heim, FNRT
FNRT volunteer Project Manager Ricker Miller and vibrating roller operator Ed Hiller, with the help of volunteer truck receipt takers and the expert work of Fast Eddie Larpenter operating the grader, accomplished improving the surface of the last couple of miles of rail trail in North Danbury in early September. The Friends of the Northern Rail Trail in Merrimack County is planning a celebration and ribbon cutting on October 4 in Boscawen. Photo: Lindy Heim
FNRT volunteer Project Manager Ricker Miller and vibrating roller operator Ed Hiller, with the help of volunteer truck receipt takers and the expert work of Fast Eddie Larpenter operating the grader, accomplished improving the surface of the last couple of miles of rail trail in North Danbury in early September. The Friends of the Northern Rail Trail in Merrimack County is planning a celebration and ribbon cutting on October 4 in Boscawen. Photo: Lindy Heim

Last month, the final two-mile stretch of the Northern Rail Trail in Boscawen was resurfaced by the Friends of the Northern Rail Trail in Merrimack County (FNRT-MC), completing a 10-year effort to build the four season recreational trail. Together with the Grafton County rail trail, the finished length of the Northern Rail Trail is now 58 miles, making it the longest rail trail in New Hampshire.

The all-volunteer group FNRT-MC invites you to the ribbon cutting ceremony and official opening of the Northern Rail Trail on Saturday, October 4, from 10 AM to noon (rain date: Sunday, October 5) at Jamie Welch Park on Depot Street in Boscawen.