Franklin Footlight Theatre Presents Original Musical Comedy by Local Author

"Run for the Hills" on October 16 through 19

Press release
"Run for the Hills" will be presented for four performances only, October 16 through 19.
“Run for the Hills” will be presented for four performances only, October 16 through 19.

“Run For The Hills” was presented at the Franklin Opera House October 16 through October 19, for four performances only. This original production, written by Franklin’s own Dr. Barry “doc” Taylor and his father William S. Taylor, will be seen for the first time in New Hampshire, having  been staged previously many years ago in Connecticut. Relating the story of a jewel thief running not just from the FBI, but also from the mob (as a poor choice of a mark, being the “owners” of the jewels in question) and trying to hide inconspicuously, mingling with relatives in the backwoods town of Hooten Hollow, Tennessee. The original songs and music add warmth and charm to the humor of the situations, characters, and dialogue. Fully utilizing the talents of “doc” as musical director, the production team also includes Julie Finley as director, Chris Schroeder designing and building the set, Sue Bittetto props, Annette Andreozzi costumes, Saige Granger tweaking the sound board, Dan Darling running the lights, Mark Bittetto stage managing, and Ryan Clark managing the house. The cast of thousands (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration, but they look like the population of a small city when the stage is full!) includes Spencer Costigan, Cherish LaBelle, Robbie LaFlamme, Christie Martin, Vince Ribas, Sheri Collins, Rebecca Turmel, John Masse, Cameron Brand, Josh Bradley, Jack Finley, (take a breath here–I told you there were a lot of them!), Roy and Cathy Hubble, Aja Malette, Peter Heath, Ben Heath, Kim Taylor, William Taylor (considering theater is family, nepotism is perfectly acceptable…), Saphaedra Renee, Catherine Pirro, Sebrena Leclerc, and the townsfolk, Sue Bittetto, Annette Andreozzi, Garrett Cain, Laura Clarenbach, Erin Wilcox, Emily Post, Jen Creasey, Cody Virgin, Esther Hammond, Sharleigh Thomson, Denise Steadman, Ashley Hanson, and Jacqui Paciorek. Whew! There will be a quiz later….

What surely will be a memorable evening of theater can be coupled with dinner out, say at Asian Delight, conveniently located right next door to the Opera House. Tickets are available now online at or by calling 934-1901. Adult tickets are $12, seniors and students for $10. Curtain is 7:30 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and 2 PM on Sunday. The Franklin Opera House is inside City Hall at 316 Central Street, with plenty of parking behind the building and in the municipal lot across Memorial Street.

“Run For The Hills!” will be the topic of conversation throughout the winter, so don’t be left out. Get your tickets now and partake of community theater at its very best!