Board of Selectmen Minutes, August 25, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Chairman Coolidge, Selectman Danforth, Selectwoman Viandier, John Thompson, Mark Stetson, Leonard Caron, Jim Delaney, Andy Guptill and Town Administrator (TA) Marj Roy.

Police Department

Chief Laramie spoke about security recommendations. He wants to purchase audio and video to tie into their security system for the Town Hall. He is willing to have it charged to his Special Detail budget.

Chief Laramie suggests doors be purchased for the meeting room downstairs in the Town Hall and a door above the stairs going to the upper level.

Road Agent

Road Agent John Thompson reported the following:

Ditching on Flaghole Road almost finished; should be done later this week.

Jim Danforth and John discussed the washout on upper Bridge Street.

Two quotes were received for roadside mowing. One vendor quoted $10,500, and Jim Shaw gave a verbal quote of $3,500.

Work order handed in on Putney Road for road signs on the sharp corner.

John Thompson said he began excavating, ditching, and grader work on Flaghole Road.

Lenny Caron spoke about special projects out to bid, specifically Hoyt Road possible turn-around. He thinks the owner on the hill will allow the Town to move the big rocks to allow the plow trucks to turn around and save the Town money, as long as the Road Agent agrees to do spring yard clean-up. John Thompson mentioned the reason why the Town wants to put in an official turn-around. Basically, it’s because the trucks get stuck every time they snow plow, and then another person is called to get them unstuck.

Jim Delaney said the owner on the hill didn’t allow the snow plows to turn around in his driveway. Selectman Danforth stated that if we agree to spring yard cleanup, then everyone will want theirs done, too.

Chairman Coolidge suggested to Lenny Caron that he talk with the Road Agent about his suggestions, due to the fact that the Board of Selectmen do not make decisions on road issues.


Mark Stetson handed over the book of updates. He explained the national standards they follow.

Mark said new values need to be done every five years. Twenty-eight taxpayers came in to meet with Avitar. Waterfront property values went up.

Mark offered to meet with the Board to discuss a payment in lieu of taxes with Proctor Academy.

MS-1 was handed over, and Avitar can send it electronically.


Jim Delaney spoke about the condition of the Proctor Cemetery. He is working with Andy Guptill to come up with a work order list and cost for repairs.

Town Administrator Report

Marj Roy reported the following:

The East Andover Village Preschool is closed until further notice due to lead paint on the outside of the building. The paint contractor followed proper procedures for lead paint removal. Marj is waiting to hear back from EPA advisor.

Marj mentioned that we received a refund for ash credit.

Marj handed the Board a draft policy on Board, Committee, and Commissions Work Code of Ethics.

Marj handed in updated procurement policy.

Marj discussed the preview of accessing bid documents, and Selectman Danforth suggested that we have a scoring sheet before we accept bids.

Veterans disability tax credit currently is $700, and should it increase to $1,000 or more? This will need to be brought to Town Meeting.

Letter sent to the Andover Horseshoe Club requesting that they contact the Town regarding their lease, which ends on November 1, 2014.

Transfer Station

Reggie was asked if the workers are checking dump stickers are on all vehicles.

Town needs to find out what companies are doing whole-house clean outs and then dumping waste at the Transfer Station.

There was talk about restricting large commercial dumping from out of town.

Reggie mentioned that for the solid waste hopper, the numbers have increased, and recycling tonnage is up, too.