2015 is here, and we will be holding Andover Congregational Church’s annual meeting on Sunday, January 25, following the service (at approximately 11:30 AM). Reports of committees, election of officers, and a new budget will all be items on the agenda.
The Mission and Action Committee reports that 41 Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes were filled by members and friends of the Church. The boxes were filled with age-appropriate items and toys and sent to Samaritan’s Purse under the direction of Franklin Graham for distribution to third-world countries.
The Andover Community Coffeehouse started up with great success on Friday, January 16 at the Highland Lake Grange Hall.
Second Saturday for Men continues to be held at the Highland Lake Grange Hall from 8:30 to 10:30 AM. It begins with fellowship and breakfast at no charge, followed by a guest speaker. Come and meet with old friends, make new friends, and bring your friends. The next meeting will be held on Saturday, February 14. Call Bob Grover at 470-7248 for further information.
We invite one and all to attend our Church on any Sunday. Communion Sunday is held the first Sunday of each month. Sunday School is held the same time as Church, which begins at 9:30 AM. Feel free to call the Church office at any time at 735-5160.