AE/MS News

Graduation dates? Too soon to call.

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS principal
The proud owners of the second grade’s annual Heart-Healthy Valentine Restaurant pose with Ms. Young and the "My Plate" wall painting in the AE/MS cafeteria. Front: Emma Chadbourne, Olivia James Bentzler, Paige Makechnie, Shelby Barton, Madison Hersey, Dannicka Dlubac. Second row: Wyatt Carleton, Harlie Ordway, Abby James Bentzler, Al Dudek, Mychal Reynolds, Cody Provost, Liam Murphy. Third row: Church Salathe, Grayson Noyes, Sam Upton, Garrett Barton, Jedidiah Duquette, Evan Hill, Eric Bates, Logan Welch, Jacob Demers. Back: Ms. Young. Photo: Gretchen Hildebrand
The proud owners of the second grade’s annual Heart-Healthy Valentine Restaurant pose with Ms. Young and the “My Plate” wall painting in the AE/MS cafeteria. Front: Emma Chadbourne, Olivia James Bentzler, Paige Makechnie, Shelby Barton, Madison Hersey, Dannicka Dlubac. Second row: Wyatt Carleton, Harlie Ordway, Abby James Bentzler, Al Dudek, Mychal Reynolds, Cody Provost, Liam Murphy. Third row: Church Salathe, Grayson Noyes, Sam Upton, Garrett Barton, Jedidiah Duquette, Evan Hill, Eric Bates, Logan Welch, Jacob Demers. Back: Ms. Young. Photo: Gretchen Hildebrand

The 39th Army Band will be performing at AE/MS on Monday, March 9, at 1:15 PM. Community members are welcome to attend.

Our eighth grade students toured Merrimack Valley High School before February vacation. Our families were invited to an Open House the same evening. Principal David Miller and Counselor Lauren Mercier came to AE/MS earlier in the month and talked with students about freshman course offerings, scheduling, and extracurricular activities and sports.

AE/MS loves to celebrate Chinese New Year. This is the Year of the Sheep, and that can be seen in artwork throughout our building. Keeping with tradition, the fourth grade students paraded their way through the building with their elaborate, handmade, festive dragons. They were accompanied by our talented beginner band and teachers in ornamental garb  for the annual Chinese New Year Dragon Parade. We also enjoyed an incredible Asian-themed lunch in the school cafeteria.

The second grade classes opened up their always-popular Healthy Heart Valentine Restaurant before vacation. Third graders and staff members were very happy customers. All diners reported their hearts felt healthy and happy after eating the nutritious breakfast. Second graders learned organization skills, math skills, and how to serve the public. Diners made donations, and the second grade students thoughtfully discussed how to spend their profits and then voted to donate $266.82 to the Franklin Animal Shelter.

The AE/MS Chorus sang God Bless America at the Manchester Monarchs game on February 20. Twenty-three chorus members and their families attended the game.

Please know that the decision to cancel or delay school is not taken lightly and is made by Superintendent Mark MacLean after consulting with road agents, bus companies, weather forecasters, and others, often beginning the day before an event. The decision is based entirely on the safety of the students in Andover and the Merrimack Valley School District.

As of today, we have had six delayed openings and three snow days. We want to finalize dates for kindergarten and eighth grade graduations, but are hesitant to do so too soon. I remember the 2007-2008 school year when we had 10 snow days and nine delayed openings!

History has shown that we pick up a few snow days in February and at least one or two in March. Right now, the last day of school is scheduled to be Thursday, June 18.

The annual School District Meeting is Monday, March 2, at 7 PM in the school gym. It is at this meeting that the budget is voted upon for the 2015-2016 school year. You must be present to vote. Entertainment and activities for students will be provided in the middle school classrooms. There will be age-appropriate board games and movies. School staff members and eighth grade students are helping to entertain so that families may attend the meeting.

Keep those Box Tops coming in! We collect Box Tops year round – we never stop! All money raised will go toward playground equipment and further development of the park area.

A spirited and successful basketball season has ended for our middle school students. As always, good sportsmanship ruled the courts wherever our Andover Eagles played. While we hate to see basketball season end, we do look forward to spring track practices.

The gym has seen a lot of basketball action the last few months. Now it is time for the Andover Players Drama Club to move into the gym. Set production started after the last basketball event in February.

We are appreciative to the Town of Andover, Proctor Academy, and many volunteers for making skiing, snowboarding, and skating available to our students. Another great winter activity season is nearing the end. There will be one more ski day on Friday, March 6.

National Pi Day will be recognized at AE/MS on Friday, March 13. There are math activities planned throughout the day for all the students. Older students will be teaching younger students, and there will be many different pi contests. How many digits of pi can you recite? There will be a pi-themed lunch that day.

We are looking for members of the 2015-2016 kindergarten class. If you know of Andover children who will be five years old on or before September 30, 2015, please send them our way. We are excited to welcome what looks like a large kindergarten class! Parents should call AE/MS for registration information. Registration will be held by appointment on Wednesday, May 13.

SHARE Day will be held on Friday, May 15. SHARE Day is a wonderful community day at AE/MS. If you have an art, craft, or sport that you would like to share, please contact me. If you would like to volunteer that day, we would love your help. Contact me if interested in helping or for more information.

You won’t want to miss this! Mark your calendar for Annie. Evening performances are Thursday and Friday, March 26 and 27. Tickets are available at the door. We anticipate a full house on both evenings. Mrs. Edmunds, our drama director, and many middle school students have been rehearsing since fall.