Betsy Woodman to Speak in Newbury

"Surprise" is the theme

Press release
Andover author Betsy Woodman's Emeralds Included, the third book in her Jana Bibi series, has been selected by National Public Radio as one of the best books of 2014. "Woodman's character development is so good that by the end, the memorable townspeople of Hamara Nagar felt more like good friends than characters from a book," an NPR staffer wrote. For more, visit N.PR/1yPwTBi.
Andover author Betsy Woodman’s Emeralds Included, the third book in her Jana Bibi series, has been selected by National Public Radio as one of the best books of 2014. “Woodman’s character development is so good that by the end, the memorable townspeople of Hamara Nagar felt more like good friends than characters from a book,” an NPR staffer wrote. For more, visit N.PR/1yPwTBi.

Betsy Woodman will be speaking at the Newbury Public Library on Sunday, March 1, at 2 PM.

Betsy writes, “In my latest novel, Emeralds Included, Jana realizes how little she knows her son, Jack. I guess I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about discoveries: life turns out differently than we expected, people surprise us, and the world is changing before our eyes.

“So, ‘surprise’ will be the theme on Sunday, when I’ll be chatting, showing slides, and signing books at the Newbury Public Library.”

The library is located at 933 Route 103 in Newbury.