Fifty Years Ago in Andover: May 1965

Four fires to report, and a birthday party

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie.

May 6, 1965

The East Andover, Andover, and Proctor Academy firemen and trucks were called to Ernest French’s on the Plains on Sunday. Their barn, two horses, and some equipment were lost in the fire. The fire spread to the woods, but the firefighters had it under control in a short time.

Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Carpenter on the birth of a son at the Laconia Hospital on May 1. The baby weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. His name is Leo Charles.

Steven Chamberlain, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Chamberlain, received fourth honors at New London High School this past week. Steven is also president of the senior class.

May 13, 1965

The firemen were on their toes on Sunday, as they went to a forest fire on Taunton Hill in the afternoon, and to a chimney fire at Girney Putney’s in the evening.

Monroe Haley gave a birthday party for his daughter, Joan, on Saturday, with a number of her friends present. Refreshments were served by her dad, and games were played by all.

Those present were Leslie Wright; Rebecca, Holl, Lyn, and Bert Kelsey; John Ally; Karen Phelps; Kendall and Bruce Currier; Rebecca Jewett; Larry, Marty, and Glen Hilpl; Michael Haley, Coleen Currier, Susan Baker, and Tina Currier.

May 20, 1965

SFC Dana W. Lull of Andover was awarded the Vietnamese Medal of Honor, the republic’s highest medal awarded to foreign military personnel. He attended Andover High School, leaving to enter the Army in 1949. His wife Irene and two children are residing in Augusta, Georgia.

Sherida Keyser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Keyser Jr, was chosen for Girls’ State.

Andover firemen and trucks were called out one day this week to put out a fire at the dump. A can blew up and flew over into nearby woods and started a blaze.

Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Newcomb on the birth of a son, Jeffery Scott, weighing 7 pounds 1/2 ounce, at the New London Hospital on May 4.

Mr. and Mrs. Donal Miller, Sr. of Andover celebrated their 25th anniversary on Sunday, May 16. They were joined by their nine children and seven grandchildren. About 135 friends and relatives signed the guestbook. Four generations were represented, and at one point there were 43 small children running about.

May 27, 1965

Walter Peterson (Republican of Peterborough), Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, will be the guest speaker at the Andover Elementary School Memorial Day Exercises on Friday, May 28. Marshals of the parade will be Mr. Peterson, Principal Raymond Burton, Reverend Kelsey, and a representative of the Andover American Legion.

Music for the ceremonies, which will take place at the town monument at 1 PM, will be under the charge of Doris Pierce, Music Supervisor at the school. A wreath will be placed at the monument. Everyone is invited to attend.