On Monday afternoons at AE/MS you will find at least 20 boys collaborating in small groups, excitedly designing and building robots. The group is coached by Josh Norris, Morgan Salathe, David Salathe, Sydney Lake, and Liam Donovan. Excitement and creativity run high! Front: Liam Donovan, Eric Bates, Churchill Salathe, Jed Duquette, Isaac Norris, Wyatt Carleton, Liam Murphy, Cody Provost, Al Dudek, and Garrett Barton. Back: Caleb Warzocha, Brenden Miller, Lagan Salathe, Michael Miller, Dylan Hammond, Zealand Therrian, Anthony Hammond, Fenn Davis, Elliott Norris, Ethan Fecteau, and Sydney Lake. Photo: Jennifer Bent. Caption: Jane Slayton