Only in Andover can one spend time zentangling, enjoying sushi, learning Native American loom beading, playing 18 holes of golf, and swing dancing all in one place and on one day.
Another wonderful SHARE (See How Arts Reach Everyone) Day recently took place at AE/MS. New workshop choices were added among the traditional favorites. Students spent the morning participating in engaging workshops, and after lunch the students and staff gathered in the gym to enjoy tunes played by the talented Jimmy Sferes.
SHARE Day would not be possible without the vast amount of support from our community. Gisela Darling has been the organizational energizer working behind the scenes since 1989. She gathers help and support from within the community and brings it all together for a very special day in May.
The workshops for students in grades three through eight last for two hours, except for golf and fly fishing, which are double workshops. Some of the offerings included Cupcake Decorating, Cookie Baking, Climbing Wall, Woodworking, Duct Tape Wallets, Sushi, Fly Fishing, Golf, Hair Decorating, Horses, Improvisational Acting, Beading, Lacrosse, Kick Boxing, Martial Arts, Miniature Civil War Figures, Mountain Biking, Book Binding, Felting, Reverse Tie-Dye, School Garden, Soccer, Swing Dance, Zentangle, Woodlands Exploration, and Zumba.
First and second grade teachers organize and arrange for shorter workshops for the younger students. They have six mini-workshops before lunch. The workshops included Sparkly Collages, Decoupage, Pillow Making, Cloth Stamping, Zentangle, and Water Color Sunbursts.
Not to be left out of the fun, the kindergarten classes also have SHARE Day activities. The kindergarten choices are short, engaging, and contain movement activities. Energy, enthusiasm, and excitement is all included and encouraged! They had lots of volunteers who offered very creative workshops. They made rain sticks, decorated cookies, created toothpick designs, put together and ate trifles, melted beads and made designs, and enjoyed relay races. A good time was had by all!
Students enjoyed and clapped to the music of Jimmy Sferes. They also had a chance to tour the gym looking at all the displays from the various workshops.
Students are already talking about what workshops they want to sign up for next year. Please consider being part of this creative and energy-filled day next year. I am sure you have something to offer. We are especially interested in adding more fine arts offerings. General volunteers are always welcome!
We are very appreciative to our community members who share their time, expertise, and passion with our students. We are very fortunate to have SHARE Day. Thank you!