Carly Fiorina Keynote Speaker at Republican Picnic

Presidential candidate in Chichester on September 12

Press release

The Merrimack County Republican Committee and the Concord City Republican Committee announce presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina, as the keynote speaker at the Republician Picnic on Saturday, September 12,  noon to 2 PM, at the home of Senator and Mrs. Gordon Humphrey, 78 Garvin Hill Road in Chichester.

Carly Fiorina, the first woman CEO of a Fortune 50 corporation, Hewlett-Packard, was recognized as the most powerful woman in business by Fortune Magazine. Mrs. Fiorina also earned her MBA from the University of Maryland and a MS degree from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. She launched One Woman Initiative providing financial resources, education and training to two million women living in poverty. Her most recent non-profit, Unlocking Potential, seeks to engage women voters beyond the traditional methods.

“New Hampshire has the honor and privilege to be the testing ground for those seeking the highest office in the land,” said Kathleen Lauer-Rago, Chair for the Merrimack County Republican Committee. “This is an opportunity to visit with Mrs. Fiorina, ask questions and enjoy lunch at the Humphrey’s lovely home.”

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Admission is $25. per person, children under 16 are free. Ticket price includes lunch. For more information, or to purchase tickets, please go online to or contact Karen Testerman at 731-6733 or