Andover Service Club, August 2015

Ladies of all ages are welcome to join

By Mary Ofenloch, Andover Service Club

The first meeting of the Andover Service Club (ASC) for the fiscal year 2015-2016 will be held on Wednesday, September 9, at 10 AM in the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover. New plans for fundraising during the year will be implemented.

Mary Ofenloch’s term of office as president ended on June 30, and new president Sandra Graves will be leading the club into its 57th year.

Members are eager to actively participate in the Thanksgiving Pie Sale in late November and the Christmas Basket Raffle in December. Fundraising letters are being written and will be sent to Andover residents shortly.

Meetings are informative, intellectual, and socially friendly. The ladies of ASC enjoy working in service to the community.

ASC is always looking for new members who may have fresh ideas that can enhance the mission of ASC to the betterment of everyone. So, if you are a lady of any age, young to retired, you are welcome to join us. Simply e-mail Mary Ofenloch at for more information.