Three AE/MS Students Play Football at MVMS

Agreement expands sports options for AE/MS students

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS principal
Dillan Reed, Chase Keyser, and Ronan Walsh are AE/MS eighth graders who are each in their second year of playing football on the Merrimack Valley Middle School (MVMS) team. The Andover School Board put in a lot of work with the Merrimack Valley School Board to create this option and expand the number of sports that AE/MS students can participate in. Photo: Becky Walsh
Dillan Reed, Chase Keyser, and Ronan Walsh are AE/MS eighth graders who are each in their second year of playing football on the Merrimack Valley Middle School (MVMS) team. An agreement with Merrimack Valley expands the number of sports that AE/MS students can participate in and helps smooth the transition from AE/MS to MVHS. Photo: Becky Walsh

Andover Elementary/Middle School has three eighth grade students who are considered part of the Merrimack Valley Middle School football team. Ronan Walsh, Dillan Reed, and Chase Keyser contribute much to the team’s success.

In the most recent game, Chase had over 200 yards passing, including two touchdown passes to Ronan. Chase and Dillan were both strong on defense and made several tackles.

The cooperative relationship for football is something that has evolved between the two schools over the last few years. Last year, Andover had four students play on the MVMS team and two students the year before that.

Members of the Andover School Board, the Merrimack Valley School Board, and administration from both schools have formalized an arrangement between the districts.

The following conditions must exist for Andover students to participate:

  • AE/MS does not offer the sport.
  • MVMS does not cut players in that particular sport.
  • Andover students may participate in MVMS “cut” sports if the team roster is not filled by MVMS students.
  • Andover parents pay the costs of their student’s participation.
  • Andover parents provide their student’s transportation.

Student athletes must remain in good academic standing and follow the eligibility guidelines for both schools. This is an expectation for all student athletes at AE/MS.

This cooperative relationship between the schools smooths the transition from Andover Elementary/Middle School to Merrimack Valley High School. Students and their families interact and establish friendships and connections before our students even leave middle school.

New this year at Merrimack Valley High School are Town Pride Nights. Town Pride Night for Andover is on Friday, October 2. AE/MS students will have special tickets that give them free admission to the football game. It is a night game, which makes it even more exciting.

The talented MVHS band will perform, and they are very impressive. There are former AE/MS students in the band and on the football team. AE/MS students will have banners to display and will be called down to the field during halftime.

Go MV Football!