Time to Put the Gardens to Bed

Workshop on preparing for next spring

Press release

A free talk on putting the gardens to bed for the year will be held on Monday, November 2, at 6:30 PM at the Boscawen Municipal Complex (adjacent to Alan’s Restaurant) on 116 North Main Street on the fourth floor (handicap accessible) in Boscawen.

University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Ann LaCroix will discuss what you need to do this fall to put your garden to bed for the winter and steps to take for an even better garden next year. This talk will cover pruning, mulching, cover crops, soil amendments, composting, harvesting late crops, selecting seeds for next year, integrated pest management (IPM), and clean up in and around the garden.

To register for this free talk, please contact the Boscawen Agricultural Commission at 753-9188 x301 or Agriculture03303@nullgmail.com.