How and Why to Remember Family Stories

Wilmot Historical Society program on February 7

Press release

The Wilmot Historical Society will hold its annual winter program on Sunday, February 7, at 2 PM in the Wilmot Community Association’s Red Barn at 64 Village Road in Wilmot.

Storyteller Jo Radner will offer her popular workshop, “Family Stories: How (and Why) to Remember and Tell Them.” Participants will learn foolproof ways to mine their own memories and interview their relatives for engaging stories. In pairs and small groups they will practice finding, developing, and telling their own tales. “No one will be on the spot to perform,” says Jo, “but I guarantee that everyone will remember stories they want to share informally.”

“We never tell stories at home anymore!” Jo hears this lament over and over again – and she is on a crusade to reverse the trend.

Aimed at adults, the workshop will benefit anyone interested in investigating or remembering past events, writing memoirs, researching family history, or simply developing habits of meaningful conversation. Participants will leave with new ideas, new stories, and a handout of techniques and resources.

Jo is past president of the American Folklore Society and the National Storytelling Network. Retired from a teaching career at American University, she has been studying, teaching, telling, and collecting stories most of her life. She lives in Lovell, Maine, and can be reached at

This program is made possible by the New Hampshire Humanities Council.