The South Danbury Speaker Series moves into the new season with new events, but minus the winter Soup and Salad offering.
“March came in like a lion and went out like … well, part lion, part lamb, depending on when you thought to check,” notes Kathy Neustadt, the series’ co-founder. “We’re guessing that April is going to be more of the same – highly variable – and we want our programs to reflect a similar theme.”
On Friday, April 8, Jesse Schust of Andover will be speaking on “The Joys of Winter Swimming,” a personal story of why and how he swims in ice-cold water – called, ever so politely, by Polar Bear Clubs and interested individuals alike, “water that is too cold for comfort.” Jesse’s typical times and temperatures include an hour at 60°, a half hour at 50°, 12 minutes at 40°, four minutes at 35°, and two minutes at 33°.
Jesse will talk about what led him to become a winter swimmer, as well as some of the risks and benefits involved. “I never thought I would be someone who’d do this,” he explains, “but I couldn’t believe how relaxing and enjoyable it was after you get out of the water.” He admits it feels different when you’re in it!
Jesse will show some slides from his experiences and display some of the specialized equipment he employs: for example, the plastic strigil (or squeegee) he uses for drying off; neoprene gloves, hat, and socks; clip-on flashlight; and digital thermometer. He is prepared to answer any and all questions about this interesting and unusual “sport.”
Meanwhile, it’s all about the warmth on Friday, April 22, when Danbury celebrates National Poetry Month with its second annual Poetry and Pastries night. Co-sponsored with the Friends of the George Gamble Library, this is a great opportunity for local residents to enjoy poetry – their own, or favorite verse by other authors – together as a group. In celebration (but also, perhaps, as inspiration), readers, reciters, and listeners alike are also invited to enjoy the delightfully sweet pastries furnished by the Friends. All donations for the evening will benefit the Library.
“We had such a lot of fun last year with all the people who participated,” says Friends President Ann Jule, “and we’re really looking forward to this year’s gathering. We hope lots of new people will join us!”
The George Gamble Library is located at 29 Route 104 (near the Danbury Post Office) and is open on Wednesdays from 1 to 6 PM, and on Saturdays from 10 AM to 3 PM. To sign up to read your selection of poetry (of up to five minutes), please call 768-3765 and confirm your slot on the roster, or stop by the Library to check out all the new things that are happening there.
Speaker Series events begin at 6:30 PM and are free to the public, although contributions are always welcome and appreciated. The South Danbury Church (an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ) is located at 1411 US Route 4 in South Danbury, where church services are held on Sundays at 11 AM. For more information about the spring series, call 768-3191.