The Franklin Animal Shelter is planning its third annual US Track and Field-certified 5K race and walk. The event, sponsored by EPTAM Plastics, will be held on Sunday, May 29, at 8:30 AM.
The race and walk starts at the Paul Smith Elementary School in Franklin at 41 Daniel Webster Drive. Registration is $30, and available this year are performance race shirts for $10. Also new this year are expanded age category awards, including a youth team challenge. Medals will be awarded to first-place finishers in each category.
To register online, visit or
The Franklin Animal Shelter provides a place where Good Samaritan rescuers, Franklin police, and those no longer able to care for pets can turn for help. The shelter provides food, warm beds, needed medical attention, and loving care.
The Franklin Animal Shelter is a tax-exempt organization. Tax deductible contributions may be made through or mailed to PO Box 265, Franklin NH 03235.
For more information, please contact Christine Dzujna at 934-7163.