Blazing Star Grange has a busy month of May planned. The last Farmers Market of the winter season will be held on Saturday, May 7, from 9 AM to 1 PM. The market features a wide variety of local products including meats, eggs, soap, cheese, honey, crafts, jams, baked goods, cards, plants, recycled clothing designs, chocolates, and mustards. The special feature for the May market will be an apple grafting workshop. Hot breakfast and lunch will be served.
The Grange will also put on a supper on Saturday, May 21, from 5 to 6:30 PM. The menu will feature roast pork, potatoes, vegetable, rolls, and homemade dessert. As always, the food will be delicious, and the prices will be family-friendly: adults are $9, children under 12 are $4, and everyone under 3 is free. All are invited to leave the cooking and cleanup to the Grange and enjoy a community supper. Take-outs are available.
Blazing Star Grange has been active in Danbury since 1875. The Grange serves through outreach, education, community service projects, and generosity of time and energy. The Grange depends on the enthusiasm and vision of citizens working together to make the community a better place to live. Membership is open to all citizens in surrounding communities who are 14 years of age and older. For more information about the Grange or upcoming events, call 768-5579.