Welcome, Spring! It certainly is wonderful to go for a walk in the early morning and be serenaded by the birds. Thank you, God!
The inside of the Highland Lake Grange Hall building next to the church has received a much-needed “face lift” this past month thanks to some very ambitious church people. About a dozen people, under the direction of John and Joyce Bourdon, stripped wallpaper, painted walls and ceilings, and put up molding around doors and windows.
They also put up new shades and purchased new tablecloths. The wiring was updated courtesy of Lloyd Perreault. A big “Thank you!” to all who volunteered their time and/or money to help on this project.
The Church will be helping to support missionaries Jake and Samantha Pelletier and their three children as they travel to Puebla, Mexico. They will be helping to run an orphanage for the Camino Global ministry. Samantha is the daughter of local residents Chuck and Cathy Ellis.
The Church recently collected $456 for the “Give-a-Goat” ministry, which is part of Samaritan’s Purse. We also continue to collect food for the food pantries in the area.
We will be holding a Plant and Bake Sale on Saturday, May 7, from 9 AM to noon at the Highland Lake Grange Hall. Annual and perennial plants will be for sale at very reasonable prices. Delicious baked goods made by the ladies of the Church will also be for sale. Call Ginny Newton at 934-3171 if you have any questions.
We continue to have a flea market and bake sale on the last Saturday of every month from 8:30 AM to 2 PM at the Highland Lake Grange Hall. All money from this sale goes to the “Save the Grange” fundraiser.
We invite all to join us for Church service. We have adult Sunday School from 8:30 to 9:15 AM on Sunday mornings. Worship service and Sunday School for children are held every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. There are also many small group meetings at various times during the week. Call the Church office at 735-5160 for more information.