We had a successful Vacation Bible School this summer, visiting Thailand in song, lesson, and video. The four-day program taught the children that “God is Real, God is Forgiving, God is Love, and God is Forever.”
The children were part of the service on the following Sunday, with a short program to show what they had experienced during the week. Many thanks to all who helped, but especially to Bonnie Wesley, who was in charge of this event.
Our Church picnic, held on August 14 at Highland Lake beach, was enjoyed by over 30 people. Prior to enjoying the delicious food, Arthur Tobin, who resides at Mildred Longfellow’s assisted living home, was baptized at the lake into Christian faith, accepting Jesus as his savior. A great time was held by all!
The study on the Book of Acts to be held at the Highland Lake Grange Hall prior to Church on Sundays will probably not be held until the first of November due to the fact that the current class will not finish until the end of October.
“The Bible in 180 Days” will be held at the Grange Hall beginning on Tuesday, September 20, from 7 to approximately 8:30 PM. This is open to anyone who wants to learn more about God’s word by reading the entire Bible with group discussion every week. To register for this class, call the Church office at 735-5160.
Sunday School will officially begin around the middle of September. Call the church office for exact date.
Fundraising for the Highland Lake Grange Hall continues. A flea market and bake sale is held on the last Saturday of every month through October from 8:30 AM to 2 PM at the Grange Hall.
We invite all to join us for Church service. Worship service and Sunday School for children are held every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. There are also many small group meetings at various times during the week. Call the Church office at 735-5160 for more information.
Thought for the day: “If a care is too small to turn into a prayer, it’s too small to turn into a burden.” (Read 1 Peter 5:7)