The Andover Service Club’s (ASC) Thanksgiving Pie Sale which was held on the Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving was our best sale to date. The ladies of the ASC wish to express our gratitude to the many people who supported this Merit Scholarship fundraiser.
Coming up on Wednesday, December 14, will be the Club’s annual Christmas Luncheon and Meeting at the 74 Main restaurant in New London. The winning tickets will be drawn for the “Gifts Galore” raffle baskets at that time.
Wednesday, January 11, will be the first meeting of the new year at the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover at 10 AM. Women of all ages – young, old, or in-between – are invited to attend. The special program will be Crafting. Members will bring to the meeting the special crafts on which they may be working to share with each other. It will be lots of fun and very informative.
The Wednesday, February 8, meeting will be held at 10 AM at the Highland Lake Grange Hall. The program will be Games (to be chosen at the January meeting).
Meetings for the remainder of the year are on Wednesdays: March 8, April 12, and May 10, all held at 10 AM. in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. Wednesday, June 14, is the Club’s Annual Meeting and Luncheon; venue to be announced.
The members of the Andover Service Club send everyone best wishes for a very Blessed and Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy New Year.