Thank You from Harold French

On Tuesday, November 8th, I had the honor of being elected to the New Hampshire State Senate. It was a very close election with the recount providing a final vote margin of 17 to make the victory.

I would like to thank all of you who supported me in this effort, those who worked door-to-door, held signs, talked with their neighbors and friends, and voted. In an election this close you know that everyone had a hand in the final results.

Had just one of you not done what you had done for me, large or small, the results would have been different. I will remember this during my next two years of service.

I want all the folks of District 7, everyone, no matter who you voted for, to know I will be there to serve you. I’ll make every effort to keep all the people of District 7 informed of the impact of impending legislation and state government on them.

I will be offering constituent services for all people who have difficulties within the District, my door will always be open and my phone is on.

I would like to also take a moment to thank my opponent Senator Andrew Hosmer for his 4 years of service to the District. Although we may differ greatly on many issues, he deserves a hand for the countless hours he has devoted to the job.

Again, my sincerest Thank You to everyone!

Senator Elect, Harold French