Select Board Minutes: March 8, 2017

Public hearing regards two fire precincts consolidating

RE: Public Hearing on the East Andover and Andover Fire Precincts Consolidation

Present: Marj Roy, Vicky Mishcon, Jim Delaney, Dave Blinn

Fire and Emergency Services Personnel Present: Chief Rene Lefebvre, Glenn Haley, Fred Lance, John Kinney, Scott Kidder, Greg Stetson, Andy Guptill

Public Present: Ed Becker, Les Fenton, Becky Dobrietz, Bob Norander, Chuck Keyser, Peter Maynard, and Road Agent, John Thompson.

Mishcon opened the meeting by explaining the purpose of this hearing was to gather information, reasoning and for public feedback.

Reminder of important dates: EAFD: Precinct meeting to vote is on March 21, 2017 at 7 PM at the East Andover Fire Department Building and the AFD: Precinct meeting to vote is on March 22, 2017 at 7 PM at the Fire Department next to Town Hall.

East Andover Fire Precinct Warrant Article #4 States:

To see if the voters of the precinct, contingent upon approval of a reciprocal warrant article in Andover Fire District #2 and approval of the Select Board, vote to consolidate the Andover and East Andover Fire Districts, including dissolving the East Andover Fire Precinct, transferring all assets, and setting boundaries of the Andover Fire District to include the entire Town of Andover, New Hampshire. This shall be effective January 1, 2018 (2/3 majority vote required)

Chief Lefebvre explained that the process of the consolidation started with a study committee. In 2010 the committee recommended consolidation. Among the reasons for consolidation were a reduction of equipment and cost, improved and efficient training, having a unified command and a single cohesive team structure. The precincts have been operating during the last several years as one department. When the alarm goes off, both precincts respond as one district. Now, at this final stage, legally both precincts need to be dissolved and the boundaries redrawn to incorporate the entire town boundaries. The vote is the final step in the process. If this article passes, the fire precincts will become one district. It will take a 2/3 majority of the registered voters present at the meeting from the EAFD to pass. AFD precinct voters will vote the next day, but it is not necessary. They want both precincts to have the opportunity to decide. Once complete, it will then go to the Select Board.