Select Board Minutes: April 17, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Marj Roy, Vicky Mishcon, Jim Delaney, and David Blinn

Also present were: Lisa and Jack Braley, Charlie McCrave, Jeff Miller, Jim Reed and Chief Glenn Laramie

Braley’s Request for a Building Permit: Monticello Drived, MAP 18-410-483:

Delaney made a motion for the board to issue a building permit to the Braley’s on Map 18-410-483 to build a year round residence. Discussion followed.

Mishcon explained how this was a very difficult decision for her to make. Mishcon noted her concerns with the town’s policy of not allowing building on Class VI or private roads. Her other concern was with the Braley’s signing off on the Town’s liability to them in the event that emergency services could not be provided when the Braley’s expressed their desire to raise their young family on that property.

Blinn expressed his concern about over development in that area and shared Mishcon’s concern of the Braley’s signing off on the Town’s liability in the event of an emergency. However, Blinn thinks having one year round residence in that area might enhance the area. Allowing a single family home built on that lot and not developing the land other than the one house, will not change the atmosphere in the area. Blinn believes that the Braley’s will keep the road well maintained and won’t allow it to be an unsafe environment for their children.

Delaney echoed Blinn’s sentiments adding that allowing this building to take place for one home only is not opening the area up for development, and remains under the Board’s control.

After discussion, Delaney and Blinn both granted issuing the Braley’s a building permit. Mishcon opposed issuing the building permit. The next step is for the Braley’s to purchase the property, put the language in the deed absolving the Town of liability in the case of an emergency. Once the deed is recorded at the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds, the Board will issue a building permit to the Braley’s.

Road Agent:

Charlie McCrave – Property Drainage Issue (Map 18-065-457):

Mc Crave explained that water is coming across Elbow Pond Road onto his property and then dumps on the property next to him. The water percolates into his property, goes under the stone wall, and erodes the bank and becomes a pond.

McCrave has a swale on his property, but it cannot handle this amount of water at this point in time; he wants to landscape in that area; He needs topsoil and is very concerned about what will happen after he landscapes with the water running and ruining what landscaping he has done and if it will wash away all the top soil; he wants to know what the town can do to take care of it.

Thompson does not want to divert the water down Elbow Pond Road, because that will make more of a problem. He suggested angling a pipe under McCrave’s driveway and running it into a retention pond down on the hill side. However, Thompson explained that the Town cannot do the work on a private landowner’s property. The Board indicated that the pipe under the road currently has been there long before McCrave’s purchased the property. Delaney suggested that McCrave could give the Town a Right of Way, otherwise it is a private property owner cost, not a town cost.

The Board suggested that McCrave’s neighbor, Buddenhagen be contacted to see if he will allow the water to be diverted from McCrave’s back yard to the back of Buddenhagen’s property.

McCrave believes the Town is responsible for paying the cost. McCrave will contact his attorney for his opinion on this matter. Roy will contact the Town Attorney tomorrow to find out what his opinion is on this matter as to who should be responsible and bear the cost.

Thompson also indicated a wetland permit is probably in order.

Valley Road Signs:

Roy indicated that she received a second notice regarding the signs on Valley Road not being there. Thompson stated that the day after he was notified that the signs were not there, he posted signs. Thompson will check to see if the signs were taken down.

Town Office-Library:

Priscilla Poulin, the Andover Town Librarian wanted to make sure that the dirt pile near the ramp would be taken away. Thompson indicated that it will be taken care of and that the town cleanup is underway for the spring.

Highland Lake Beach/Bob-house:

The bob-house remains on the beach. It is a town resident’s bob-house. At this point it cannot be accessed for removal. Once the ice is gone, it is Fish and Game’s jurisdiction.

Old College Road:

Thompson met with DOT about lifting the grade on both sides of the triangle at Route 11 and Old College Road. The person from the ROW bureau is working on the paperwork.

Other Work:

Last Street Bridge repair is scheduled for this Thursday, April 20, 2017.

Maple Street Bridge is not on the schedule currently because it is an open road.

Roads are being cleaned up, along with the cemeteries, and ball field.

Keyser Road has been graded. Other dirt roads in town are being graded as they dry up and as time permits.

White Oak Building is open and running.

Chief Laramie:

Update on the Route 11 Culvert Failure:

Laramie spoke with Brian from DOT. The culvert failed about 8 PM Sunday evening between Plains Road and Switch Road. The State had been waiting for Wetland Permits before they repaired that area of Route 11. The road has been closed all day and the work will continue through Tuesday, expecting completion by the end of Tuesday. Laramie notified Emergency Services of the issue so they can reroute if necessary.

New Police Cruiser:

Laramie expects the cruiser will be in about mid-May. The Police Department will outfit it with all the standard equipment, at a projected cost of about $8000. Laramie would like permission to take the money out of the Police Revolving Fund. The fund gains its monies from 90% details and about 10% from donations. The Board agreed to allow Laramie to take the money out of the Police Revolving Fund to outfit the new police cruiser with the standard equipment.

New Officer:

Laramie stated that all the background checks are completed. The new officer has not been sworn in yet. According to Academy rules, if the officer is sworn in before the academy, he has six months that he can be on his own policing, although it is recommended that he be supervised. If an extension is filed, then a supervisor must be with the new officer until he is certified.

By the time all the background was completed, the first academy had already started. Additionally, according to Academy rules, a person must start on the day the academy starts. If a person missed the first day of the Academy, they may not attend that session of the Academy. The next academy session is in August. The new officer is set to go to Australia to teach for the month of August. That makes the next available academy for him to attend is in January 2018.

This officer will replace Officer Dow who retired earlier this year. Laramie would also like permission to look for another officer to replace David Hewitt so he can retire. Laramie would like to look for an already certified officer to hire. The Board agreed to allow Laramie start the search for another officer who is already certified.


Intent to Cut

Timber Tax Bills

Veteran’s Exemptions

Proctor Liason Update by Mishcon:

Mishcon updated the Board on the status of Lawrence Street Bridge, Morrill Hill Road, and the Monticello Drive property.

Bill Bates is a new member of Board

Mishcon reported that Proctor has no plans to replace the Thoreau House. Additionally, Proctor purchased the Stetson property on Shirley Road

Proctor was happy to support the town and the school project at Town Meeting. Proctor believes when there are good school and town systems in place, it helps to bring in faculty.

Field Trip:

The Board will view Highland Lake Beach for what signs are over there and also view White Oak Pit’s Highway Office.