The Kearsarge Athletic Boosters invite the community to a benefit dinner on Friday, Oct. 27, from 5 to 7:30 PM, at Kearsarge Regional High School in North Sutton, N.H. Cost is $5 per person and includes pasta, meatballs, garlic bread, salad, dessert and beverages. Proceeds benefit athletic programs at Kearsarge Regional High School, as well as scholarships and the year-end awards banquet.
The volunteer organization’s first spaghetti dinner fundraiser is made possible by donations from area restaurants including Appleseed Restaurant of Bradford, Bubba’s Bar and Grill of Newbury, and Pizza Chef of Andover and New London. The event also features raffle prizes donated by generous individuals and businesses including retail, hospitality, recreation, goods and services. Raffle tickets will be for sale at the dinner and winners need not be present to win.
For more information, contact Erica McCullough at or 703.994.6727 or Aimee Tucker at or 603.667.5046. Additional information is also available at