Andover Girls Softball is just getting under way, and we are pretty confident we will have four teams again this year. The teams are looking like U6, U8, U10, and U14. We are getting excited for the 2013 season, and the girls can’t wait as we’ve just started doing a little with open gym.
There’s lots to do between now and then, like getting organized for the upcoming season, and we are in desperate need of a few more bodies on our Board. We are looking for a Vice President and people to help the fundraising committee, which would basically be parent reps. The Board has kids getting older, and as they leave, the parents go, too. If we could get the parents who have younger ones to get involved, this program will be able to run longer and smoother, instead of Board members trying to do three tasks. So, please softball parents, get involved.
Thanks. If you have any questions, feel free to call me and ask for Melissa Thompson (Coach and President) at 455-4622.