Conservation Committee Minutes February 14, 2018

February 14, 2018, 7PM
Approved Minutes

Present: Nan Kaplan, Jerry Hersey, Mary Anne Broshek, Tina Cotton, Alan McIntyre, Jesse Schust, and guests Harvey Pine and Calum Dixon.

Minutes: Nan made a motion to approve the January minutes with small corrections/additions, Jerry seconded, and all were in favor.  

DES response regarding Bates property at Gale Road.
Handout – Got Permits.

GIS mapping:
Harvey Pine and his student Calum Dixon spoke to the CC about how they might assist us with mapping needs.  Calum is going to work on generating maps that show wetlands data and buffers in Andover, with the plan of presenting initial results at the next meeting.  Harvey requested buffer information prior to the next meeting. This work is a first step in creating a new co-occurrence map. Mary Anne will send Harvey the narrative of layers used for the 2010 co-occurrence map and Jesse will send the 2010 co-occurrence CD.

ASLPT update:
Wendell Marsh: ASLPT is working toward expanding the conservation area.

Water testing workshop:
DES is providing a well water testing event in Salisbury in May and the organizers have asked neighboring communities to spread the word and get involved.  Tests will be available to those who attend and there will also be a subsequent pick up of the test kits

Verizon cell tower:
We reviewed the proposed forest easement buffer and the role of the CC in this.  There will be a site visit once all approvals for the tower are completed and the CC and a forester will be invited.  The CC suggests Tim Fleury as the forester. The next public hearing with the planning board is 2/27. Mary Anne will attend.

Elm Trees
A brochure regarding the sale of disease resistant elm trees was discussed.  Minimum purchase is 40 trees.

Old College Road land owned by Green Acres:
Last month, we discussed the purchase of land adjacent to conservation land, by a forest management company.  Since then, the neighbors have been made aware of this and Jerry has contacted Tim Fleury. DRED has advised us that this company is sympathetic to conservation issues and conducts logging operations in a responsible manner.  

Table at March Town Meeting:
We discussed having a table at town meeting.  Alan will set up and Alan, Mary Anne, Jesse and Nan will cover a table on Town Meeting Day.   Nan, Mary Anne and Alan will provide information on Bog Pond and a website demonstration. We agreed to change the date of our meeting so that it will come a week after Town Meeting.  Mary Anne will notify Lois of the change.

ORV issues at McKenna property:
We have heard from Amanda Hollenbeck at the Office of State Planning.  She recommends signage and is happy to assist in generating the text. She thinks that gates would be a good choice if the land owner is willing to pay for them.  Mary Anne has replied and asked for more help getting the State to engage with the issue.

We looked at Alan’s website for the conservation commission and agreed that it is excellent and ready to be made public.  We hope to share it with the public at Town Meeting. Mary Anne will give Alan various documents and links. Tina will provide information on maps.  Alan will update the site with recommendations given by members of the CC. Where possible, the website has been designed to point people outward toward existing resources that are updated regularly.  An Andover Beacon article is planned for early summer.

Other Business:
Jesse raised several points drawn from the recent issue of the Beacon.  White Oak sand pit can no longer be used, until the disputed ownership is resolved.  This means that the Road Agent will need an alternative source of sand.

Birds Eye View needs locations for testing their drones and the CC needs help monitoring large conservation easements.  Jesse will contact Birds Eye View to see if they are open to the idea of assisting us.

The final item from the Beacon was an issue that arose from a property on Currier Road where an erosion problem on one property resulted in silt deposition on the neighboring property.  Jesse asked why we did not receive notification from NHDES on this issue in December. Mary Anne will make inquiries.

Jesse reported from John Thompson that the highway Crew will arrange a meeting to discuss future plans to remove materials near the Transfer Station.  Last year, a 50 foot buffer was agreed upon with the Board of Selectman and the Road Agent. Mary Anne will contact the Board of Selectman to verify the buffer.

Jerry made a motion to adjourn, Nan seconded and all were in favor.  The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.